Trading DIYs and Saharah wallpaper/flooring for trade! LF Mom's Items

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Chaotic Eccentric
May 26, 2020
100% (3) +
Hello! I have a ton of extra DIYs and Saharah items I'd like to trade. I am in a desperate search for the mom items so they are priority! Alternatively, depending on the DIY, I will also accept NMTs or TBT! Whatever you would like to offer but keep in mind, I'd like to do a 1:1 for trades. (Ex. 1 DIY = 1 Mom's Item/NMT/max 10 TBT) I would prefer to come to your island to drop it off since my island is a literal mess right now :cry: I promise I will just be in and out! So as long as you don't mind, please be prepared with a Dodo code! If you make an offer, please do not keep me waiting more than 30 minutes! After that time, I will cancel the offer UNLESS you tell me you're not available right now! I am very lenient and can work around your schedule 😊 This is first come, first serve and I will do my best to update this list as DIYs/items are traded off! Thanks for reading!

Mom Items I am looking for:

Accent Patch

Field of Flowers
Still Life

I know that with the Mom's Art you can customize it so if you don't have these specific ones, I'll still accept whichever one you have/am open to more than one! I just want the full set of 7 so I can customize them.

DIYs for trade:

Bamboo Stool
Bamboo Wand
Bamboo-Shoot Lamp
Basket Pack
Green-Leaf Pile
Light Bamboo Rug

Cherry Speakers
Orange Dress
Orange End Table
Orange Wall-Mounted Clock
Peach Rug x2
Peach Umbrella x4
Peach Wall
Pear Umbrella x3
Pear Wardrobe

Mum Cushion
Palm-Tree Lamp
Pansy Table

Shell Arch

Golden Arowana Model
Golden Casket
Golden Flooring

Ironwood Clock x3
Ironwood DIY Workbench
Ironwood Low Table
Ironwood Table

Cutting Board
Deer Decoration
Fossil Doorplate
Grass Standee
Hedge Standee
Iron Armor
Manga-Library Wall
Money Flooring
Mountain Standee
Natural Garden Chair
Pile of Leaves
Rustic-Stone Wall
Scattered Papers
Woodland Wall
Wooden-mosaic wall

***The following Category of DIYs I will only trade for Mom's items. No NMTs or TBTs***

Sci-Fi Wall

Forest Flooring x5
Tree's Bounty Big Tree
Tree's Bounty Mobile

Mush Umbrella x3
Mush Wall x3
Mush Wand x3

Saharah Items for trade: ***Offer what you would like for these; Mom items are still priority but I can trade for NMTs or TBT!

Dark-Chocolate Wall
Dungeon Wall
Future-Tech Wall
Heavy-Curtain Wall
Ivy Wall
Laboratory Wall
Marine Pop Wall (Fishing Tourney)
Meadow Vista x2
Ruins Wall
Stadium Wall
Summit Wall
Western Vista

Circuit-Board Flooring x2
Crop-Circles Flooring
Crosswalk Flooring x2
Dark-Chocolates Flooring
Field Flooring
Gravel Flooring
Lava Flooring
Mossy-garden Flooring
Palace Tile
Racetrack Flooring x2
Saharah's Desert x2
Scramble Crosswalk
Sidewalk Flooring
Sumo Ring x2
Train-Station Flooring x2
White-Chocolates Flooring
Wildflower Meadow
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