Do already-built Snow Boys give you a large snowflake everyday?


Dawn of a New Day
Jun 19, 2014
Yellow Crescent Moon
Blue Crescent Moon
International Space Cetacean Star Fragment
Blue Crescent Moon
Yellow Crescent Moon
White Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
Shooting Star
Yellow Star Fragment
White Star Fragment
I've been reading guides to talk to all Snow Boys every day to get a large snowflake, but I just spoke to mine and he didn't give me anything. Do I have to build the next one to get the current one to give me the large snowflake?
You can only get a Large Snowflake (one every day until the Snowboy melts) and Frozen DIY (the same day on which he was constructed only) from a perfect Snowboy. I confirmed this today with the imperfect Snowboy that I built yesterday.
I was trying to figure this out. I made a perfect snowman yesterday and today he gave my main a large snowflake. When I went on with my alt character she did not get anything. I guess only the one that builds the perfect snowman gets the large snowflake the next day. I made the perfect snowman the my alt today so I will wait until tomorrow to see if my main gets a large snowflake tomorrow or just my alt.
You can only get a Large Snowflake (one every day until the Snowboy melts) and Frozen DIY (the same day on which he was constructed only) from a perfect Snowboy. I confirmed this today with the imperfect Snowboy that I built yesterday.
Perfect snowboys will give you a large snowflake every day but only the perfect snowboys. ⛄ Would be nice if even the imperfect snowboys at least gave you a snowflake!
AHHHHH okay that's why! My first one was not that great, but my second one was perfect!
I was trying to figure this out. I made a perfect snowman yesterday and today he gave my main a large snowflake. When I went on with my alt character she did not get anything. I guess only the one that builds the perfect snowman gets the large snowflake the next day. I made the perfect snowman the my alt today so I will wait until tomorrow to see if my main gets a large snowflake tomorrow or just my alt.
Did the snowman give your main a diy today? It seems you can only build one snowman per island per day, but 3 other residents on our island got the diys yesterday even though they didn’t get a chance to build one, but no large snow flake today.
My first snowboy refuses to give me anything today, and didn't give my other characters anything yesterday.
Unfortunately not, I tried this on my 2nd island, and they only give you 1 DIY and large snowflake per day, which kinda sucks :L
I did a perfect snowboy yesterday and he gave me a large snowflake and a DIY. Today i talked with him and he gave me another large snowflake. So i dont know why he didnt give the large snowflake to you. I hope that you will find the answer 😊
Only Perfect Snowboys give you large snowflakes and frozen DIYs. If you build one imperfect on your first attempt they give you one anyway because it was your first time. Perfect snowboys also give frozen DIYs to your other player characters but only on the day they are created. Perfect snowboys only give large snowflakes to their creators so other player characters need to create their own perfect snowboys to get large snowflakes. Additionally, if a player character receives all the frozen DIYs, they will only receive large snowflakes as a reward for creating perfect snowboys.
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Did the snowman give your main a diy today? It seems you can only build one snowman per island per day, but 3 other residents on our island got the diys yesterday even though they didn’t get a chance to build one, but no large snow flake today.
Yes my main got a diy from the perfect snowman my alt made today. My alt got the diy and the large snowflake from the one built today . Yes you can only build one a day. I just thought my alt would get a large snowflake from the one built yesterday.
After creating a perfect snowman today, it would seem the first snowman is not considered perfect. I just got nook mile achievement for making 1 perfect snowman
Yes my main got a diy from the perfect snowman my alt made today. My alt got the diy and the large snowflake from the one built today . Yes you can only build one a day. I just thought my alt would get a large snowflake from the one built yesterday.
Yeah, just made the snow boy on my island, all residents got DIYs, but only who built it got a large snow flake.
It is nice, because you can get 3-4 big snowflakes a day if you build a new perfect snow body each day.
I thought they were going to give me only one when I made them and that was it. I thought I was going to have to tiem frame to be able to make a decent amount of frozen fruniture.
I got a large from my perfect from yesterday on one island, but the imperfect one on my other island didn’t give me one. I’m so happy to hear I can keep getting them until they melt- that’s awesome! I wish you’d be able to get more to craft all the DIYs they give you!
Yes, perfect snow boys will keep giving a large snowflake each day until they melt. You need to talk to them each day. If you have secondary characters, they can also get large snowflakes. I've had the problem of having lots of large snowflakes and not enough small ones. Catching small ones is not hard but the nets keep breaking, which is annoying.
I've been getting large snowflakes from perfect snowboys all week! Also, if you have a second user on your island they can pickup the DIY from the perfect snowman another user on the island made that day. They will give them a large flake and DIY as if they made it. Sadly, you can't get large snowflakes from perfect snowboys on other people's islands- my friends and I tried this weekend. Thankfully they keep giving them to you until they melt so by the end of the week not having large flakes shouldn't be too much of an issue for many people!
Yes they do! And as an added bonus, if you talk to him with your other characters (assuming you created more than one) and they already have all the ice DIYs, you can get extra large snowflakes with them too.