Pokémon Do you always evolve your Pokemon? Or keep them as is.


OK, it's giving Jealousy
Oct 14, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Yellow Candy
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Moon Bunny
Fancy Kitty Plush
Shadow Kitty Plush
For me it varies, because some games I went through with a fully evolved team, like in Y.

But then in Pokemon: Alpha Saphire: I completed it with a first form Pikachu, and Skitty:

But they were never weak, Denki the Pikachu, wrecked any water or flying Pokemon (Seriously one shot Archie) Then Madoka was also a power house.
Reasons, Skitty is a favorite Pokemon, and Pikachu couldnt dress up if I evolved her lol
Then in sword I refuse to evolve my Sobble, and well, simply because they're too cute. I might eventually, but Im honestly too in love with him.

I wanted to have a first form Eevee, because I got ambused by two when I qent this one area, one I evolved, but the other decided to evolve into Umbreon on night lol.

So what about you? Are you evolution picky, wanna keep Pokemon as they are? Ir evolve them to a greater potential.
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I evolve until I have one of each stage, unless I catch one already in a different stage. For Eevee, I evolve to each form, and keep one as just Eevee.
I always evolve my battle-ready Pokémon unless the NFE in question benefits from using the Eviolite. I just feel that Pokémon that are not fully evolved aren't reaching their full potential. I even evolve popular NFE's like Pikachu and Eevee. Pokémon used in breeding are always not evolved since all I care about is passing down IVs.
I don’t evolve Croconaw into Feraligatr 99% of the time. The Totodile evolution line is my favorite evolution line, and Croconaw is my favorite Pokémon within that evolution line.
It's very rare that I don't evolve a Pokemon as soon as I'm able to (not counting stone evolutions). The only three I can think of that I didn't evolve right away are Buizel in Brilliant Diamond because Buizel is my favorite Pokemon (won't be evolving him at all), Spearow in my current Fire Red Nuzlocke as it doesn't learn Aerial Ace until level 25 (evolves at 20) and never learns it as Fearow, and Gible in my most recent Platinum run which I kept unevolved until it learned Dig, which I used against Lucario in the Veilstone gym.
i mean, i always end the main game with an almost full living dex, so i will generally evolve every pokemon as far as it can go the first time i catch it. my three favorite pokemon are eeveelutions, and i always get the full set before i bother keeping a regular eevee since evolving it is generally harder, so it's better to get it out of the way. in terms of arceus, you kind of need to evolve the pokemon -- sometimes multiple times -- to complete/perfect their entries anyway.
I evolve mine unless there is something I need to do so that I don't have. As a result a new evolution added to an existing pokemon can ruin the pokemon for me if I don't like it.
I always evolve my battle-ready Pokémon unless the NFE in question benefits from using the Eviolite. I just feel that Pokémon that are not fully evolved aren't reaching their full potential. I even evolve popular NFE's like Pikachu and Eevee. Pokémon used in breeding are always not evolved since all I care about is passing down IVs.
>NFE (showdown player spotted)

Pretty much this though, even with shinies that might look better unevolved, I prefer to fully evolve them so I actually have the chance to use them in matches, and not just have them sit in a box collecting dust. I believe the only Pokémon I've ever kept unevolved for non-competitive purposes is a Shiny Litwick, and that's just because it's my favourite Pokémon (plus I use it for hatching eggs with flame body so it still serves a purpose).
I always evolve them because thats how they get stronger and get better moves. It also makes them have more defense so that way you can take hits pretty well.
If I'm going to use them on my team for things like the Elite Four, then I do. Most of my favorites happen to be cute unevolved Pokemon, though. Those sadly just stay in my boxes unless I feel the urge to level up one without evolving it just for fun.
There's generally one Pokémon in my team that I find is a hard choice on whether to evolve. For the last few games:

Sword - I didn't evolve my "main" bulbasaur past Ivysaur (because I love ivysaur), but it also meant I had to switch it out to battle sometimes. Thankfully there were a lot of grass types I liked in Sword, and I ended up using a Vileplume as my main grass in the end I think.

In Shining Pearl I got attached to a Psyduck, and did the digging activity until I found an everstone! I haven't finished Pearl yet, so who knows what will happen.

In Legends, I've become attached to a Buizel, but I was happy to evolve it to a floatzel, so no issues at the moment! 😊
It depends on a number of factors for me, but I usually evolve them. I don't usually evolve shinies unless I have a duplicate. The main times I recall where I didn't:

On Silver, I chose not to evolve my Totodile, and leveled him to 100 instead. I do love both Croconaw and Feraligatr, but I'd already got a Feraligatr on a Japanese copy of the game I'd played prior. Sadly, Toto has since been lost to the sands of "internal-battery" time :cry:

More recently, on Sword, I kept my Sobble. I don't care for Drizzile at all, and Inteleon was just average. Felt good smashing Leon's massive Charizard with a tiny little Sobble.

On Let's Go! Eevee, I kept Ivysaur. Ivysaur has always been my fave of the Bulba evolution line, and Eevee was OP in that game anyway, so I didn't need the extra help.
I only fully evolve Pokémon whose final form I like. Except for the one time I tried a Nuzlocke, then I evolved everything as much as possible, because I needed every advantage I could get. ^o^;>

Otherwise, I'll have Pokémon on my team like Dewott and Spoink and Grovyle, because I prefer them in those forms to their evolved forms. It doesn't have anything to do with the gameplay mechanics, it's just a matter of my personal aesthetic taste. Such as, I think Spoink is cute and has a clever design, but Grumpig is kind of boring and unattractive to me. So, when I choose to catch/raise a Spoink in a playthrough of any given Pokémon game, I won't evolve it, even if I have to level it up a little extra for it to be able to compete with other Pokémon.
For the most part I evolve them. But, I also do like some starting evolutions more than later ones. It is rare...but, sometimes I will keep something like Scyther or Electabuzz in form 1...or Porygon. Some of those later evolutions really look like trash to me. I mean...Scizor and Kleavor are pretty cool. But, those other ones? Sheesh. Not a fan. Porygon especially...I hate how basic they end up looking. Porygon 2 looks like a water-drinking bird toy...and Porygon Z is an absolute abomination.
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I try to complete my Pokédex when I play, so I end up evolving what I need to in order to do that. I’ll always try getting a repeat of the preferred evolution though. Everstones are my personal favorite item.
I used to keep my Pokemon from evolving all the time when I was younger. Now I'm less strict on it and usually just let any of my pokemon evolve. But I really regret letting my Yamper evolve. I do not like its evolution. And I'm considering just catching another Yamper and training that one and replacing my Boltund with it.
I always fully evolve my main team when playing through a game.

Other Pokemon I may or may not choose to evolve though. I keep a living dex (meaning a copy of every single Pokemon including one of each evolution) so in that case I don't evolve several of them. Also when it comes to shinies I may prefer them as an earlier evolution so in that case I may choose to not evolve them as well.
No, not always. For example, i am playing gen 8 right now and i am having a hard time allowing my little cubchoo to evolve because it just looks too cute in its current form. Also, i have a shiny geodude that i have prevented from evolving several times now, but i guess i might let it eventually.
I evolve them almost all the time. Unless I'm wanting to keep them unevolved for a specific reason (i.e. I've done a solo-Mudkip run in Sapphire as a kid where I never evolved it), I always evolve them as soon as I'm able to.