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Do you care where your villagers put their houses?


🍙 Nom, nom 🍙
Nov 22, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Red Rose
Famous Mushroom
Tasty Cake
Pikachu Easter Egg
Sakura Easter Egg
Pikachu Easter Egg
Pikachu Easter Egg
I honestly can live with wherever that plant their house. Do you get all mad and want to move them out even if it's a dreamie? Or can you just move out and in with amiibo cards?

Post pics of villagers you didn't like where they plotted!
I dont care too much, as long as they dont plot somewhere totally ******** like in front of a building. I dont plot reset. I dont have time for that crap. Lmao
Yes, I'm pretty lax but no you're not plotting directly in front on brewsters/retail/MY HOUSE

plus plot resetting is so easy after the update, so not like it takes much time to get them somewhere acceptable.
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I'm the mayor of the town and I use my power to dictate residential zoning.
In my main town I didn't. 90% of my villagers are in the bottom island and made a zig zag line which I'm fine with and worked my way around. As for my other 2 towns, I care more.
plus plot resetting is so easy after the update, so not like it takes much time to get them somewhere acceptable.

I just had to reset 29 times to get Julian to plot somewhere other than the house of the villager he was replacing, so I don't know about this part so much.
I just had to reset 29 times to get Julian to plot somewhere other than the house of the villager he was replacing, so I don't know about this part so much.

I know, right? There's nothing like plot resetting to make your favorite villager become your most hated villager.
I just had to reset 29 times to get Julian to plot somewhere other than the house of the villager he was replacing, so I don't know about this part so much.

Well I mean compared to before where it took literal days to weeks to some ppl yet ppl still plot reset lol.. at least now it's pretty easy to zone them in with patterns, plus if you forgot some patterns you can TT back to add more.
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When I first start my town, I don't really care 'cause there's nothing in it lol. But further down the line when I start making plans on how I want to develop the place, that's when I'm pickier about where villagers plot. I had my camp area planned out and it was gonna be hella decked out with a tent and bonfire and torches and other cool ****, then my lovable turd ass Fang plotted like one space off from my tent...so...took months to move him out so I could finish building. It can be really inconvenient at times.

But yeah as long as I don't have to put anything in a specific place, they can plop their house wherever they want.
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As long as they don't destroy anything, I'm fine with it lol
and even then, I usually don't do anything about it. I'm just like "CURSE YOU HAMPHREY" and move on with my life

it is really annoying when they place their houses really close to a bridge, then you can't replace it because it's "too close to a villager's house"
Well I mean compared to before where it took literal days to weeks to some ppl yet ppl still plot reset lol.. at least now it's pretty easy to zone them in with patterns, plus if you forgot some patterns you can TT back to add more.

Okay, if you're talking about getting houses to land in specific places, totally. It's like resetting Pokemon for a female starter vs resetting for shiny. Still, they really really like to move in where the last one moved out, though.
I used to be pretty lax. I had a few spots where I would be ok with plots, and I would work my way around them.

With the update, now I can put them in the exact space I want, in 10min max, and it's really great. I wish that came sooner, though I'm pretty happy with everyone is right now!
Oh yes. Before the update I was more willing to accept where a villager plotted. I would never plot reset for more than a day so I would always give in. Now, I've switched several houses round so they line up nicely. I'm happier with my layout than I ever have been thanks to plotting being made easier :)
I've never cared, being a veteran player since Wild World, I've never cared where villagers place their homes.
Yes, I don't want them to put their house in a front of mine or anyone else... (ಥ﹏ಥ) (Caf?, Police station...)
I don't really care for where they plot their house down as long as it's not in-front of the Police Station or The Roost Cafe. I don't have any paths in my town anymore because it would've been annoying to change where the paths lead to when someone moves out and a new villager moves where there's no path (apparently paths can't be destroyed by house plots anymore unless there aren't enough empty spots around town). The only time I plot reset is when a villager moves out and I want to move in a dream villager which won't happen until after Toy Day. I don't plot reset if they move somewhere I don't like, especially in-front of a building. Besides, they can't move directly in-front of my house because Tangy's house is already in-front of it (though not directly/too close which is good). I prefer to live close to my villagers but not too close.
Yeah I do, I'm currently plot resetting Deirdre and she keeps appearing in front my house where she shouldn't be and she won't move. ;-;