Do you get inspired/influenced by dreams?

Underneath The Stars

거기 너 i fancy you
Jun 3, 2018
Tasty Cake
i’ve never felt like resetting ever over island design, but i can’t believe i’ve been hit by it now after visiting a couple of dreams. i can’t be doing this when i already have the villagers i want & enough bells.

i do have themes / design in my mind while my island is still a work in progress, but seeing islands in actual dreams make it harder for me to choose or stick to a theme. or at least the main theme my island would have. i still plan to have different areas so it’s not too one dimensional, but you can’t do it all at once.

i initially just wanted to see what people have done, i don’t think i even intended to get inspiration. i guess i should hold off visiting and take a breather. i don’t even have time to revamp my island lately.
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realized one of the main purpose of dream suite is to get inspiration so my question dumb. i think i’m losing it 😭
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It's okay to take a break from ACNH or ACNH social media if you feel awful or burnt-out comparing your island to others. Lots of people feel awful after touring islands or looking at inspo.

Also remember too that most people with really beautiful islands have been playing an ungodly amount of hours since release. There was an amazing island I toured that was the result of 1100+ hours, heavy TTing, item duping, etc.

It's not a race to get the best island! Just take it little by little and try to not compare yourself ❤
It's okay to take a break from ACNH or ACNH social media if you feel awful or burnt-out comparing your island to others. Lots of people feel awful after touring islands or looking at inspo.

Also remember too that most people with really beautiful islands have been playing an ungodly amount of hours since release. There was an amazing island I toured that was the result of 1100+ hours, heavy TTing, item duping, etc.

It's not a race to get the best island! Just take it little by little and try to not compare yourself ❤

1100+ hours? oh wow.
while i’ve always watched island tours and looked at acnh pics on social media, visiting these islands was really more overwhelming.
but you’re right, and that it’s not a race. thanks for this encouragement! the more you see stuff on ACNH social media, the more you wanna visit and the more you’d just compare your island to theirs. i guess just wanted to vent and this is making me feel better.
I don't know what your theme is, but if it differs from what others have created, then why not just stick with what you already have since it would be unique? It doesn't mean you can't be inspired and use that inspiration to create it around your island theme.
I think I understand what you mean. It is completely normal to feel that way. I was really proud of the few areas I’ve done and still am, though after reading somewhere (might’ve been another site) a comment that said “every theme/designlooks the same” as well as seeing some really incredible entries for the summer contest as well as towns, I feel a bit unsure about my designed. I also felt inspired to do better; the problem is figuring on how to make it better without ruining what I was aiming to depict or without needing to tear down some areas. When visiting dream suites, depending on how much was done to the island, I do feel a little overwhelmed at times. I’ve also been kinda regretting picking one theme and basing some of my designs on something.
I don't know what your theme is, but if it differs from what others have created, then why not just stick with what you already have since it would be unique? It doesn't mean you can't be inspired and use that inspiration to create it around your island theme.

i have no theme that’s the thing. i have areas with zen, cottagecore, european garden & tropical (sounds crazy but so far no one told me it’s all over the place, unless they’re lying lmao). i never went all out with a theme due to my indecisiveness so i just create what i feel like as long as it’s cohesive with what i already have.

i get what you mean though, i can use the idea to create it around with what i already have. but for example: urban- i don’t think it’s a kind of theme that i can easily throw into the mix.

might just take a break for a while with designing. see how i feel after a few weeks and if i still wanna go through with it.

I think I understand what you mean. It is completely normal to feel that way. I was really proud of the few areas I’ve done and still am, though after reading somewhere (might’ve been another site) a comment that said “every theme/designlooks the same” as well as seeing some really incredible entries for the summer contest as well as towns, I feel a bit unsure about my designed. I also felt inspired to do better; the problem is figuring on how to make it better without ruining what I was aiming to depict or without needing to tear down some areas. When visiting dream suites, depending on how much was done to the island, I do feel a little overwhelmed at times. I’ve also been kinda regretting picking one theme and basing some of my designs on something.

the bolded part is exactly how i feel. i was frustrated trying to mix and match paths with fences and flowers because of what i already have vs. the change i want. i just ended up saving & quit each time i try to work on it. 😿
i have no theme that’s the thing. i have areas with zen, cottagecore, european garden & tropical (sounds crazy but so far no one told me it’s all over the place, unless they’re lying lmao). i never went all out with a theme due to my indecisiveness so i just create what i feel like as long as it’s cohesive with what i already have.

i get what you mean though, i can use the idea to create it around with what i already have. but for example: urban- i don’t think it’s a kind of theme that i can easily throw into the mix.

might just take a break for a while with designing. see how i feel after a few weeks and if i still wanna go through with it.

That is a very interesting combination. What if you saw an urban area, but instead of using whatever you would use for that, you would replace it with something that would match with everything else you've got going on? But sometimes you need a break. I hope you won't feel discouraged when you decide to come back.
That is a very interesting combination. What if you saw an urban area, but instead of using whatever you would use for that, you would replace it with something that would match with everything else you've got going on? But sometimes you need a break. I hope you won't feel discouraged when you decide to come back.

yeah that’s what i’ve tried, to you know, minimize having to remove/download new custom paths (and still having my own style) but i got frustrated trying to find the right path that would go with fences, or fences that would go with another path. tried vise versa and ended up saving & quit out of frustration. i’m a bit picky when it comes to color schemes so this bothered me. i hope so too! i feel that i have friends who took a break & didn’t return, i don’t think that would happen to me 😭

same thing happened to me. originally i liked my island a lot and now im thinking of either completely remodeling or even resetting cuz some of the islands i come across are just too gorgeous
yeah that’s what i’ve tried, to you know, minimize having to remove/download new custom paths (and still having my own style) but i got frustrated trying to find the right path that would go with fences, or fences that would go with another path. tried vise versa and ended up saving & quit out of frustration. i’m a bit picky when it comes to color schemes so this bothered me. i hope so too! i feel that i have friends who took a break & didn’t return, i don’t think that would happen to me 😭
I hope in a future update they make it possible to customize fence colors or be able to use a custom pattern on them. I can relate to the save and quitting out of frustration. If you do take a break, I do hope you return. :(
I hope in a future update they make it possible to customize fence colors or be able to use a custom pattern on them. I can relate to the save and quitting out of frustration. If you do take a break, I do hope you return. :(

thank you! and right?? the look or vibe of a fence style could be what you’re going for, then you lay it down then suddenly realize another color would match your paths or area better 😒
I like touring them, as they give me perspectives of what other's islands look like. I try not to compare islands, as I know I am far behind, but touring other's islands helps me find items I might want to use in my own island!!
I've just visited your island, I think you have a lot of cool areas, I really like the color coordinated flower fields, the little café, the book corner with the stars... really cool work with statues as well, at the entrance and on the statue of liberty part. It's pretty nice to have so many different areas on one island, it's something I've struggled with a lot on my island but you pulled it off pretty well.

I really wish we could have more saves. I think it's very easy to get bored of your own island, "used to it", and not notice anymore how great it is, in the dream tours you always get this huge first impression of so many different styles, so much inspiration you can't even all put to use lol.
For me, it's been the hardest to watch tours/visit islands that have a completely different theme from mine, because I always want to tear my entire foresty island down and go for a super neon urban city ><

I feel like playing with friends helps with this a bit as well. You see them developing their islands in real time, and somehow it takes this overwhelming effect away of visiting another island with hundreds of hours of work put into it and just taking it all in at once.

On the matter of dreams, I'm really happy they added them. Visiting an island really gives a completely different vibe than watching someone else tour it, and if you're really impressed by an area, you can study exactly what makes it work. How much tiles of this and that they used.

Anyways, I wish you luck in navigating this lol. It can be really hard to not get overwhelmed when making your island; at any point.. when you're starting out and don't know where to start, but also when you're already finished but still get so much inspiration.
I do get inspired but although it seems like you’re getting more discouraged. I think the most important thing is to not compare yourself to others. Your island is unique to you & it’s not a competition to create the best island to ever exist. Some people will like it, some people won’t, can’t impress everyone.
i have no theme that’s the thing. i have areas with zen, cottagecore, european garden & tropical (sounds crazy but so far no one told me it’s all over the place, unless they’re lying lmao). i never went all out with a theme due to my indecisiveness so i just create what i feel like as long as it’s cohesive with what i already have.

i get what you mean though, i can use the idea to create it around with what i already have. but for example: urban- i don’t think it’s a kind of theme that i can easily throw into the mix.

might just take a break for a while with designing. see how i feel after a few weeks and if i still wanna go through with it.

the bolded part is exactly how i feel. i was frustrated trying to mix and match paths with fences and flowers because of what i already have vs. the change i want. i just ended up saving & quit each time i try to work on it. 😿

I hear ya. Right now I’m scratching my head how to make this new area I made more interesting and not look identical to my other areas or in general with other people’s designs, not to mention make them all blend in well and not look like random ideas roughly put together. For my new area, it’s kinda hard when you can’t dig or make a new cliff on the beach or destroy the big giant rocks on the beach. Had I not read that one comment, I might’ve kept it the way it is now, but now it is bugging me along with the rest of my island.

I hope you’ll feel better after the break. I’ll try to think of some more ways that might help you and will post here again if I can think of any suggestions or a different approach to take. Some suggestions I received were to play around with the terraforming which I am, but I really stink at it lol and have no ideas what I want the landscape to look like.
thank you! and right?? the look or vibe of a fence style could be what you’re going for, then you lay it down then suddenly realize another color would match your paths or area better 😒
It's gotten to the point where I'm just going to stick with neutral colors. I just use the iron stone fence and stone fence. I don't know what the blue metal looking fence is called, but I don't have it yet. I want to use it, but I don't think it's going to look good for what I have planned if I can ever buy it with Nook Miles. Someone made a hack of a mermaid fence. I wonder if we'll get something like that in the future.
funnily enough, i think touring islands that are very different than my own theme/vision make me happier than touring towns that would give me personal inspiration for my island. it's probably because then i can actually enjoy the tour instead of constantly being like "oh gosh i need to revamp my island bc this is what i want." so lately i've been visiting lots of towns that are very different from my planned theme (this is starting to turn into a whole different type of problem where i start wishing i had another switch to do an island of a totally different theme bc i'm too attached to what i'm already doing on this island)

it's just difficult haha, but i do really love seeing what other people do w their islands
i personally don’t. i don’t like taking inspiration from other people’s islands as i would feel like i’m copying them in a way - sometimes i’ll come across something that inspires a completely different idea but i feel like any attempt of inspiration on my part would ultimately just lead to replication of sorts and ion wanna do that lmao
I haven't really been inspired by islands that I've visited as a lot of them were pretty hard to navigate but I have been inspired by some interiors! I was rly stuck on how to decorate my house so all I had was a bed in my first room but now I'm feeling more comfortable with how I'd like to decorate certain rooms.