Yep ! I've gone through dozens of different therapists, and done all different therapy approaches. Not sure exactly what type you're considering for yourself, but I've personally liked solo cognitive therapy. Group therapy of any kind was always terrible for me, and I don't think I've ever had a therapist I "clicked" with.
Which leads to a good point of being okay with ditching therapists and finding new ones, don't give up on the idea of therapy altogether just because one therapist wasn't working, didn't get you/click right, etc, etc. And do consider that there's multiple different types of therapy practices, so don't give up if you don't like particular ones!
For low income, I'm guessing you don't have anything covered by insurance? I had friends who were far below the poverty line and still were able to find therapists who did special plans particularly for those types of people. Might be extra work, but going to therapy is worth it !
ALSO, don't settle for just a psychiatrist---medication can help, sure, but therapy--challenging your thoughts and behaviors and working on ways to change them is SO important !!
And this is coming from someone who's been in and out of therapy for 12 years !