Do you guys have fanons about your towns?


flower fan
Jul 20, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
I pretty much have mine figured out.

Rolf is the big brother figure of the town. He's always droppin' knowledge on the younger villagers. He's always talking about the good ol' days; the time of no. 2 pencils and vhs tapes.

Even though Walt is also cranky, he's not a carbon copy of Rolf. While Rolf is wise and mellow, Walt seems to be in his mid-life crises stage. Walt can be a little too sure of himself at times and is naturally very opinionated. Despite this, he's a good guy at heart; he just doesn't have a filter.

Curly is an athletic enthusiast with an optimistic attitude. He's fun and easy-going, but the other villagers feel that he jokes a little too much.

Naomi and Rhonda are basically the same person. They hang out with each other as much as they can, gossiping about neighbors and sharing beauty tips.

Chester is a mellow, keep-to-himself kind of guy. He very few friends, but the ones he has are very special to him. Sleeping and fishing take up the majority of his day.

Delhi is quick to get along with everyone. He loves sweets and gardening. At first, villagers see him as over-bearing because of his intense friendliness.

Agnes is the caring big sister type. She likes Alternative rock music and sometimes is considered "one of the guys". Because she's so used to male attention, she doesn't realize that Curly is developing a bit of a crush on her.

Diana and Zell are the power couple of Riften. They try not to publicly display their relationship in public, but they always seem to be a main topic in the town's gossip.


And... DONE!
I know it's kind of weird, but I think about this stuff all the time uwu;
"publicly display their relationship in public"
Wow, I must've been really tired when I wrote this.