Hey guys! I've been feeling sooooooo isolated recently and like idk I feel like I'm all alone here with my bipolar disorder uwu so like I just like wanted to like know if I was actually alone or if this is my psychosis and bipolar disorder jumping out at me. A lot of ppl think bipolar disorder and bisexualality is the same thing but actually I'm bipolar and a lesbian I hope you guys still support me still after coming out about that, it was really really hard and it took a strong mental strain on my mental health. I've been diagnosed clinically with bipolar 1 haha just girly tingz and honestly it just made everything click better but I still feel really lonely. Anyone down for a bipolar (not bilingual English only) support group? We can talk about how like our depressive episodes make us wanna die and how our m@nic episodes make us wanna spend money.