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Do you like Donald Trump?

Like Trump?

  • Yassss!

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • Hells Naw

    Votes: 170 69.7%
  • Eh, neutral

    Votes: 29 11.9%
  • I'm not American so...

    Votes: 28 11.5%

  • Total voters
Omfg I've seriously had enough of these Trump threads. Everyone here has an obsession of him. -___-
I'm not American.

If I was I would 100% definitely vote Trump, because honestly I'm one of those guys that wants to see the world burn. Our utopia can only last so long before we evolve into human bowling balls.
This is gonna be a good read.

Oh boy


Well she does. Also you say feminist like it's supposed to be a bad thing.


Why is it that a lot of racists hide their racism by saying "I have black friends" or homophobes saying "I have gay friends" like they deserve a medal for being brave enough to associate with a black/gay person.

A grown-ass man should never pepper spray minor. It's amazing that people are defending the pepper spraying of minors.

He went bankrupt numerous times. He's not fit to run the economy.

Four times he went bankrupt, to be exact.

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^ this is so true but do you really trust Hillary with the economy, nonetheless the entire country, considering she couldn't even keep a bloody email account safe?

He's gone bankrupt numerous times, and each time he's made his wealth back. How else could he have gone bankrupt numerous times? Besides, Obama made the national debt worse, and everyone loved/praised and still love/praise him so really he's no better.

I would trust her with the economy as we were able to trust her husband with it even though he got involved in Whitewater, a business venture the Clintons got involved in back in the 1970s and 1980s when he was governor of Arkansas.

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Omfg I've seriously had enough of these Trump threads. Everyone here has an obsession of him. -___-

Then can't you ignore them? Besides, I've actually tried to cut down the amount I make (a slow but steady process) and focus more on Hillary Clinton as she's actually more likely to be president at this point. I'd say there's a 70% chance right now (could change, especially if she gets indicted, although that seems unlikely) that she'll be president.
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Honestly, he fits the bill for a lot of what the republicans want, but I'd rather have him not win just so that we don't have the Great American Migration of 2016.

We already have refugees coming in from the Middle East, who have taken millions of painful steps to get here in Canada. Many haven't survived. They are number one priority, so a giant migration of Americans will complicate things quite a bit. If people would just vote, that would work, because it's definitely easier than moving to another country. A Twitter post doesn't count as a vote, and it seems many people forget that.
I'm not American but he's an embarrassment. He's such an ignorant idiot.
Can we just like stop with trump? Haha he is an ass to everyone but I thought we would be able to avoid it here, this meme needs to die. I'm tired of it. I get that trump is a **** candidate. This is so redundant. I think this is like the 7th thread I've seen about him this needs to stop.
A racist, sexist, misogynistic, middle and lower class hating liar. And an incestual pedophile. He's said sexual things about his daughters, and has admitted that he would bang his daughter Ivanka if they weren't related.

His goals are unrealistic and he does not care about 99% of the US population. Just rich white men. He is disgusting, and I can't believe people can take him seriously and want to vote for him. Or Hillary.
A racist, sexist, misogynistic, middle and lower class hating liar. And an incestual pedophile. He's said sexual things about his daughters, and has admitted that he would bang his daughter Ivanka if they weren't related.

His goals are unrealistic and he does not care about 99% of the US population. Just rich white men. He is disgusting, and I can't believe people can take him seriously and want to vote for him. Or Hillary.

Where was he a pedophile? I don't remember him saying anything pedophilic
No, not at all. My math teacher, whom my parents have known for 20 years now, couldn't have said it any better: he could potentially offend some country to the point where they'd drop a bomb on us.

This is pretty true, although I am neutral because of the candidates who are in the lead none of them are the best. I mean everyone at my school is always saying they hate Donald Trump but know nothing about him. I am neutral because I feel like I should know more before picking a side really too.

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He's a ******.

****** isn't really a word you should use to describe him but, I'd take Trump over Kanye any day
They're probably talking about this. Calling him a pedophile for some stupid jokes he made is pretty extreme if you ask me though.

Video isn't available in my country but if it's Trump saying he'd date Ivanka: Ivanka is 34. It's disturbing and incestual but not the least bit pedophilic