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Do you like Donald Trump?

Like Trump?

  • Yassss!

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • Hells Naw

    Votes: 170 69.7%
  • Eh, neutral

    Votes: 29 11.9%
  • I'm not American so...

    Votes: 28 11.5%

  • Total voters
i wish obama is able to run again, the only decent candidate in my opinion is bernie
To be quite honest
these weed smokin', anti common sense, whatever gender they are liberal commies are gettin on me nerves
and not that I love Trump or anything but
it wouldnt hurt to watch them leave for Canada
and hear their mindless babbling fade to silence
sorry for being brutally honest but
i can have my opinions
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I want Bernie to win, but I don't know much about Donald Trump but if he wins I'll be disappointed but I won't go as far as to move to Canada.
To be quite honest
these weed smokin', anti common sense, whatever gender they are liberal commies are gettin on me nerves
and not that I love Trump or anything but
it wouldnt hurt to watch them leave for Canada
and hear their mindless babbling fade to silence
sorry for being brutally honest but
i can have my opinions

Keep 'em the hell outta Canada, America has gotta deal with their problems themselves
As a business person,sure.But for presidency.Gods no.

He's not even a good business person. His businesses have filed for bankruptcy four times and he'd have more money if he would have just taken the money his father gave him and invested it in stocks. The only thing Trump is good at is generating publicity and most of it is bad publicity.
you know the more i think about all the candidates...they're probably the worst we've ever had. i can't decide which is more horrible, having trump or cruz, having hillary or bernie. (bernie is the only decent one and i'm not even a huge supporter of him)
you know the more i think about all the candidates...they're probably the worst we've ever had. i can't decide which is more horrible, having trump or cruz, having hillary or bernie. (bernie is the only decent one and i'm not even a huge supporter of him)

Bush vs. Gore and Bush vs. Kerry weren't great choices either, so I don't know if this will be the worst general election match-up ever. This year's candidates seem bad, but everyone has their flaws. There will never be a perfect candidate for everyone. Obama was a hell of a campaigner, but his presidency hasn't been as great as Obama the candidate made it sound like it would be. Just because a candidate is exciting does not mean (s)he will be a good president and just because a candidate doesn't seem very good doesn't mean (s)he can't be an effective leader. We'd have better presidents if people did not always vote for the candidate with the best sales pitch.
Honestly you all have your heads too far up Bernie Sander's butt. You really think he is going to give you free college? Nothing is free in this country. You'll just have to pay more in taxes. Bernie's tax plan calls for $9000 more per person in taxes. It's ridiculous. Trump is authentic, has good policies, and contrary to what you've been indoctrinated to, he's literally said nothing racist. Saying people who come here illegally are here illegally and should be deported because they are ILLEGAL immigrants isn't racist, its common sense. Trump isn't bought by any politician. Sanders has accepted $200,000 of money from Wall Street. Trump is self-funded. Trump is going to put the heat on China so we aren't bullied around by them anymore, make sure we aren't getting ripped off in trade anymore, and most importantly, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
I think he's nuts, but I'm Canadian so I just sit back and watch in fascination, like most things you guys do.

Personally I think Ted Cruz is crazier, he's just quieter about it. Like one of those guys where if they found a secret torture chamber in his basement, they'd show his neighbors on the news and they aren't at all surprised. Trump's just full of himself to the point of some sort of politically motivated delirium imo.
I am not American, unless you guys think in your honest opinion puertoricans count as American. But I still think I am not American. Not only that, but I am still disliking how he said "Puertoricans are the worse Mexicans". Like whoa right there. Puertoricans and Mexicans are not related. In fact, I remember a period where Mexicans and Puertoricans hated each others guts. Although I always admired every place for anything unique and stylish they had.

But yeah. I think it goes without saying that this non-American dislikes Trump and yet I am surrounded by a few Puertoricans who support him. So yeah.

Now onto another matter. And this is more of my opinion. So correct me if I am wrong in anything or let it be if it is a harmless opinion. I hope it is harmless. Trump may look like he can handle being president. But I am told Trump used to work in media before to the point he is using his experience to entertain and handle public media fine. But not only can he handle the media well. He is using said experience as well to get into the viewers head and make them fear him in order to win votes and makes his followers andgry and wanting to kick them out for not supporting Trump. But this is my opinion and view of Trump like I said. I will keep an open mind to any opinion I can read.
Me looking at the Ballot like

"Donald Trump"