Do you like smoothies?


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2021
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I got my first blender a few months ago and I've been obsessed with making smoothies ever since. The one I'm drinking at the moment right now is mixed berry/mango/spinach (you can't taste the spinach in it) and protein powder.

Other ones I make frequently are:
Banana/mixed berry
Butternut squash
Sweet potato

In a lot of them I add vanilla protein powder and spinach since the spinach can't be tasted

I love learning new recipes :)
There's a smoothie place in my neighborhood that does peach mango smoothies with a super creamy base. That's my favorite smoothie hands down.

I'm unfortunately not super into health smoothies :'D
I do. For awhile it was a go to means for trying to get more calories/nutrients due to some struggles I have with appetite. However, I got a bit burned out on them for that reason. So I haven't really made many in awhile. I'm a bit better now with spacing snacks/meals so.
I prefer smoothies with a lot of greens (spinach, bok choy, kale, etc) vs all fruit ones since it can get a bit too sugary. Avocado, pineapple, mango, pear, strawberry are generally my go to for alternating and throwing in. I never tried sweet potato but it sounds awesome.
they're okay! i'm not the biggest smoothie fan but i've had a few that were really great. i tend to like heavy banana flavor in them i've noticed; i've also had berry-heavy smoothies that i really liked.
i think i once had one that was like, choco-banana mostly? with like some greens hidden in it lmao and that one was really really good. i wish i remembered what went into it.
When I was younger, I thought you had to make smoothies by putting lotion on it. So, being the dumb child that I was and mix that with me being made about how non-smooth the smoothie was, I put lotion in my smoothie. That's the story of how I drank lotion, thank you for coming to my TED talk.

And yes, I do love smoothies.
i love smoothies but i am really picky. I have only found a few places where i like then. one is a Lebanese restaurant and the others were mediterranean. They mix honey with the fruit. My favorites are orange, apple, carrot, guava.
I have never had a smoothie, so I don't actually know if I like them or not. I wouldn't be opposed to trying one, but it's not something I've ever felt the need to go out of my way to try. I'm curious if they are pulpy or not, though. I suppose it probably depends on how they're made. I'm very sensitive to texture in my food and drinks and I can't stand orange juice with pulp. So if smoothies are pulpy then I probably wouldn't be able to drink them.
i’ve never made any myself but i love smoothies. they’re delicious!
I love smoothies. I get a smoothie from a smoothie place that's nearby me every week as an excuse to get out of the house, lol. I love a lot of fruit smoothies, but my favorite is one that contains mangos, strawberries, guava, passion fruit, peach and yogurt. Always delicious.
smoothies are my life bro. I love fruit so I make smoothies a lot, I usually add protein powder to them to make them even more healthy
YES I love smoothies! My old uni used to have tons of stalls that sold all kinds of smoothies. Personal favorite is mango smoothie mixed with crushed graham crackers, holy god it would always boost my mood. Another good one in uni was strawberry and mango. Back in high school my regular order was lychee and mango smoothie, really delicious and sweet too. In hindsight, mango is my favorite fruit to make a smoothie out of, it’s my go-to whenever I see a smoothie menu in a restaurant.
i love smoothies <3
pure mango smoothies with a squeeze of lime are my favorite. i also love watermelon and strawberry smoothies. add in lemon or lime juice and ahhhh its just *chefs kiss*

somethjng else i also really like to do at home is take a bunch of frozen bananas, add in a spoonful of peanut butter and some cocoa powder and almond milk, and it tastes just like a milkshake
Yes! I haven't had any for a long time because I get so cold all the time, I have to watch my body temperature. But! There is this really really yummy dairy free smoothie I really like. It was someone's recipe I found online. I don't know who it was now though. These look like ones I did though.

Chocolate Peanut butter of Choice Smoothie
1.5 Cups of Milk of Choice or Yogurt
1/4 Cup Peanut Butter
1-2 Tablespoons (depending on how strong you want it) Dark Chocolate Cocoa Powder
2 Frozen Bananas (if you freeze them make sure you cut them up really small first)

Dairy-Free Chocolate Smoothie
1.5 Cups Milk of Choice ( I always did Almond or Coconut or half of each)
1 Cup (packed) baby spinach (you can't taste it and has alot of nutrition you can add to any smoothie but you can skip it if you want)
2 frozen ripe bananas (if you freeze them make sure you cut them up really small first)
2 heaping tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon chia seeds (I skipped this, but it does have alot of nutrition and does add some thickness)
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3-4 Ice Cubes
  1. Place all the ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Once blended, taste and adjust according to preferences such as adding more milk for a thinner smoothie or more cocoa powder for a stronger chocolate flavor.
  3. Best served immediately.

Also I had Maca Root Powder I was trying out, which tasted fine. But not everyone can eat it due to medical stuff, for me it caused my heart rate to go up. Any who it had a malty taste to me but I am sure you can find malt powder to use at the store for that taste if you want. Also, don't add any powders or supplements to things without really looking into it first and talking to your doctor. I know there is alot of health stuff pushed on people with various powders and things when it comes to smoothies.

I also had some Alternative Milk frozen in some ice trays to use as ice. Bananas help give a smoothie it's creaminess so you may not want them frozen if you don't do yogurt. And as a general rule, Avocados give creaminess to smoothies as well and I have used them. They don't effect the taste all that much from what I could tell. I always used a half one when I did use them in different recipes, like berry ones. You can use them in place of one banana if you are improvising.
No. I hate smoothies!!!

jk. They are alright tho I don’t have them very often.
simple fruit smoothies are great. favs are strawberry and mango (separately, not together lol)
There's a smoothie place in my neighborhood that does peach mango smoothies with a super creamy base. That's my favorite smoothie hands down.

I'm unfortunately not super into health smoothies :'D
What's a health smoothie? Fruit smoothies are healthiest.