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Do You Like Your Original Villagers?


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
October Birthstone (Opal)
Silver Mailbox
Do you like the villagers you started your town with? Sure, sometimes you get villagers you don't like, or ones who you've never had, but did they eventually grow on you? This applies to all villagers that moved in on their own and not ones from trades/giveaways.

My starting villagers are Margie, Mint, Tom, Clyde, Mac, and Merry. [This is in City Folk, which I started yesterday]
I've never had Tom, Clyde, Mac, and Merry before, but having them in my town made me like them. I'm happy with all of them, they're all really nice and have grown on me (except Clyde- Stop asking me for fossils!). My personal favorite out of these is Merry. She is very sweet and helps me out a lot. (Though all of them have their own lovable quirks!)
Also Stitches is moving in today. I've never had him, so by living with him, maybe I'll understand his popularity.

So, how about you? Any villagers you were unsure of, but by living with them you have come to adore them? Any favorite villagers that have started out this way? Popularity doesn't matter. Applies to any AC game. Share your story!

Edit: In addition, is there that one villager (or few) you stuck with from the start? In Wild World, you start out with three villagers and I didn't know any of them. After introducing myself, I only liked a lazy horse named Elmer. Few people know who he is, but I'll always remember the good times I shared with him.

Edit #2: Who is your favorite villager(s) and why?
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I love all my villagers. I like when they give me stuff randomly. I don't have too much of a problem with them moving out. Curlos and Gwen changed their mind when they told me they were gonna move. I still have 9 villagers in my town... Haven't gotten a 10th one yet and I hardly get any animals camping out in the campsite. Axel and Fuchisa are my two favorite so far. I made Fuchisa stay when she told me she was gonna move out. I only had her for two weeks and she wanted to move already. She has to stay longer. All of them can never leave! Unless I say so. haha
I like when people actually appreciate their villagers, instead of looking at them as profit or garbage.Your story is very nice! I like people who do giveaways because another person can get the chance to know that animal better, or has wanted that animal because they like them so much, and it is just a better way of treating villagers. Unless that person turns around and pawns them off, that is.
Well, I've been through a lot of towns, haha.. Let's see

In GC, I started with Hornsby, Pecan, Tank, Pompom, Ellie and Vladimir.. Pompom's fairly awful, and Vladimir's a bit meh.. But I adore Hornsby, Pecan and Tank.. And Ellie really really grew on me, and I want her back for a later game, along with Hornsby!

In WW, my very first town (and very first AC game) I started with Rod, Joey, and Pecan.. And they've quickly become some of my most adored villagers, particularly Joey, I love him so much.. Some of the extra villagers after that (including both the octopi) also become some of my most villagers.. Some which I may not have liked otherwise..

In CF, I don't remember many of my starting villagers.. But I remember I started with Rowan, Rocco, Savannah, Peewee and Queenie.. And Simon moved in later.. I didn't get many good villagers in CF.. But I loved all of those starters except Savannah (she's okay, meh :p) and Queenie (hate her with a passion)

In NL, I've had 3 towns :L (stupid 2 data corruptions) .. In my first town I started with Drake, Pierce, Tammi, Fauna and Chief.. They were all okay, particularly Fauna, Drake and Chief, I grew to like Fauna very very quickly :)
In my second town I started with Chief, Sydney, Astrid, Rodeo & Apple.. I absolutely love Chief.. I'd never experienced Sydney or Astrid before.. But I grew to absolutely adore them very very quickly.. Particularly Sydney, she's my favourite villager of all time now :D .. And Astrid's now my top snooty, over Pecan :)
In my third and current town, I started with Lyman, Hopper, Agent S, Pancetti and Goldie.. I adored Hopper and Agent S, as I'd had them in WW before.. Goldie was cool, I was neutral with her, and Pancetti just needed to go, was not a fan.. Lyman grew on me very quickly though as another Koala that I grew to like, as I didn't like any of the Koalas in WW.. But now he's staying in my town permanently.. My town wouldn't be the same without him :D

Ohey wall of text <3
Loved your story! Experiencing villagers the way you did makes them more valuable than anything :blush:

Yeah,especially with WW.. The fact that was my first game definitely influenced them all.. I don't remember my 7th villager though D: .. I remember I got.. Rod, Pecan, Joey, Roscoe, Pippy, Marina, ? and Octavian as my original 8 D: .. But yeaaah
Yeah, pretty much. I had no choice, lol.
Wolfgang, Dizzy, and Peanut were already my favorites in just one day, then Tipper and Jay grew on me.
I love my starters! (Except for Al... EWW)
Anyways, I had Bettina (unpopular, but she's adorable!!!) Mallary (she's nice, another one of my unpopular favorites!)
Tom (LOVE HIM <3), ribbot (he's OK), and al (he's weird and a bit of an eyesore)
In GC i started off with Vesta, Samson, Tangy, Gaston, Freya & Weber

As you can see Vesta & Freya are in my town, i dream for one day to have all 6 back, i have such nostalgia for them and just love them... i was 5 at the time and i just cant explain it :p

In WW i can only remember Alice.. she stayed with me for 4 years and i cried when my brother time travelled on purpose to get her out of my game :'( id love to have her back in NL, and since im buying a second copy i'm going to try and get her..

In CF i had Eunice, Rosie, Frobert, Friga, Vladimir & Anchovy. Absolutely adored Eunice & Rosie, wasn't too keen on the other 3

In my original NL town i had Timbra, Tammi, Mitzi, Curt & Kid Cat. Loved them all, and Timbra & Tammi are criminally underrated, how people do not like them i will never know :( hope to have them in the future too

In my NL town number 2 i got Mitzi (AGAIN <3), Willow (ANOTHER SHEEP<3), Apple(I have pet hamsters<3) Rolf<3 & Stinky, at first i loved 4/5, and did not like Stinky but since then i have grown to love Stinky, and i started off with an AMAZING first 5, began 2 months ago, and still have them all :)

Wonder who i will get on my 2nd copy.. love the excitement of starting a 2nd town and seeing whos there!

Oh and my starters have all helped me with an Obsession of sheep, as i always seem to get them, and they are my favourite species.. so ace
i couldnt have a town without a sheep now
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My originals in GC were Groucho, Pompom, Filbert, Ava, and Valise. Groucho was the first one I was introduced to, and I loved him. He was so adorably cranky. Ava was my best friend in GC though. She was just too cute. I had no real opinion of Pompom or Filbert, but I hated Valise...a lot. She's so ugly.

My originals in WW were Whitney, Rodeo, and Lucy. I loved all three. I thought they were really cute and sweet. Rodeo and Lucy moved out once I obtained their pics, and I pretty much instantly missed them since they were replaced by Jay and Chevre respectively who I don't like nearly as much. I also already had Anchovy in my town by then and liked him more than Jay.

My originals in CF were Becky, Cube, Felicity, Goldie, Boone, and Del. I really liked my originals in that town. Cube and Felicity are still there. Boone would have too if he hadn't ninja'd his way out without letting me know. Getting rid of Del was pretty regrettable since he was my late-night buddy. Becky was the first to leave and was replaced by Mint who I enjoyed more. Becky was still really great though. I just needed a villager to move first and get the ball rolling. She was the first to ask, so she was the first to go.

My originals in NL were Fauna, Velma, Cesar, Walker, and Leonardo. I didn't think I'd like Velma, but I ended up really enjoying her presence. She's WAY cuter in NL than she was in GC. An odd coincidence is that Velma moved into my GC town the same week she was moving out of my NL town. I don't think I will be holding onto my originals as much as I did in CF. I became SO attached to mine in CF that I eventually became bored with the game. Now that pics have been reintroduced, I will be moving villagers out more frequently. Fauna and Walker are my only remaining originals, and I think Walker will move out this week unless the person I'm trading him to for Soleil doesn't respond.
I've had Walker in an old CF town and once in an old NL town, so I'm pretty fond of him. It's something about the lazy types that always gets me.
I've had too many towns so I'll just mention my current one.

My original eight were Beau, Portia, Rod, Tammi, Vladimir, Julian, Charlise, and Gladys. I'll let the game give me a ninth villager and then I'll just see who decides to show up in my campsite once I build it (I started this town a few days ago). I'm too lazy to explain what I like about each one, so I'll just say that I am happy with the ones I've gotten :)
I got Gabi, Becky, Ozzie, Axel and Melba. I didn't really like any of them too much except Melba, Axel eventually grew on me but I let him move away anyway, I'll probably let Melba go eventually as well.
I love my starting villagers, they were Kody, Chief, Portia, Daisy, and Sprinkle. They made me not regret resetting. :D
My originals still in my town are Dotty, Truffles, Beau, Monique, and Gayle. I like them. ^^
Though I'm hoping Truffles will ask to move out soon... I'm not very fond of pigs, though I suppose she's not so bad.
I had:

Bree, Egbert, Wart Jr., Bill, and Victoria. 2 of which are still in town: Bill and Victoria.

I like Bree and Victoria, but unfortunately Bree moved away :(
Wart Jr. and Bill were my OK villagers.
I HATED Egbert, and was so glad he moved away :)