Do you need more medals for island purchases?


Minty Fresh
Oct 12, 2012
Tin Robot
100% (21) +
Edit: I am all island-out for the night. If I see this game again while on the island I'll post here and open my town again.

My island currently has the dragonfly catching game. It's a three star game and it is very easy to earn 20 medals from playing it. With more people playing, it's possible to get 30+ medals a game (if you come in first :p).

If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll head back to open my gates. :)
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My island currently has the dragonfly catching game. It's a three star game and it is very easy to earn 20 medals from playing it. With more people playing, it's possible to get 30+ medals a game (if you come in first :p).

If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll head back to open my gates. :)

I will like to come :0
Alright, I will head back and open.

Edit: Open.
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Alrighty. :eek:

That means I may have her in a day or so. :3
I'm back in my own town if anyone wants to head over to the island to get medals.
I'll be offline in an hour. :eek: Last chance.
I'll come over! (that is... if you're still online!) Also I've already added you so just lemme know when you've opened your gate
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My town will be open for a bit longer, but I'm too tired to play more island games. xD
Feel free to visit for a bit.
I have this tour right now! Unfortunately I'm leaving home in about 2 hours. If anyone wants to come by between now and 05:30 EST Let me know! In the mean time I'll be racking up some coins alone, I guess :(
I have this tour right now! Unfortunately I'm leaving home in about 2 hours. If anyone wants to come by between now and 05:30 EST Let me know! In the mean time I'll be racking up some coins alone, I guess :(

I can come now! :)
Sure! Just give me time to return from the island, and then open my gates. About 5 minutes and I should be live!
My island has had terrible games lately. :c On my way!

I have to leave in about a half-hour (5:30 pm) for dinner. We might be in the same timezone.
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My island has the dragonfly game again!
If anyone is interested in getting medals, let me know and I will come back for you.

Edit: Not opening now. Clooosed. Tired from shovelling snow. :c
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