Do you play monster hunter? And, what's your favorite monster in the series?


Forced to stay. Will work on being better. :>
Mar 21, 2016
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I've got over 3k hours in MHGU. I'm curious if anyone else here goes for the grind.

My favorite monsters are as follows:

Gogmazios. It's a giant tar dragon and the fight is quite literally epic. You're stopping this absolute beast from destroying everything you hold dear.

Gold rathian. Really this lady is a true test to most hunters. If you can't keep a close eye she'll stimbo stambo you with some high level poison and almost one tap you in most titles.

Inagami. Exclusive to frontier, this elder dragon has it all. An absolutely banger theme, an extremely fun fight, and the ability to heal itself! What a hunt.
Prefacing this by saying that I started with Rise. I'm still kinda new to this series (just a little over 2 years of experience), but I have gone back and played some of the older games too! 4U in particular is a blast.

Anyways for my favorite monster, uhhhhh *looking at my Malzeno switch pro controller and my Malzeno amiibo and my Malzeno plushie* idk probably Valstrax. Really fun fight and haunting theme.
MH is probably one of my most played series in combined time. I'm actually really partial to the Yian Garuga (specifically the deadeye one) because I really enjoyed farming for the armor pierces.

Otherwise, I think just gore magala from 4u was amazing. Every fight with it felt like I was at the edge of my seat.
I was hyperfixated on World for a few months but my main hunting buddy moved on, even though I still enjoyed single-player it lost a lot of fun being unable to really get excited about the game and achievements with someone.

My favorite monsters (not in order) were Narg, Odogaron, Nami and Alatreon. Never got to beating Fatty.
Anyways for my favorite monster, uhhhhh *looking at my Malzeno switch pro controller and my Malzeno amiibo and my Malzeno plushie* idk probably Valstrax. Really fun fight and haunting theme.
Add the Malzeno shirt on yetee to this list :lemon: This is my new favorite shirt ngl.