Forced to stay. Will work on being better. :>
I've got over 3k hours in MHGU. I'm curious if anyone else here goes for the grind.
My favorite monsters are as follows:
Gogmazios. It's a giant tar dragon and the fight is quite literally epic. You're stopping this absolute beast from destroying everything you hold dear.
Gold rathian. Really this lady is a true test to most hunters. If you can't keep a close eye she'll stimbo stambo you with some high level poison and almost one tap you in most titles.
Inagami. Exclusive to frontier, this elder dragon has it all. An absolutely banger theme, an extremely fun fight, and the ability to heal itself! What a hunt.
My favorite monsters are as follows:
Gogmazios. It's a giant tar dragon and the fight is quite literally epic. You're stopping this absolute beast from destroying everything you hold dear.
Gold rathian. Really this lady is a true test to most hunters. If you can't keep a close eye she'll stimbo stambo you with some high level poison and almost one tap you in most titles.
Inagami. Exclusive to frontier, this elder dragon has it all. An absolutely banger theme, an extremely fun fight, and the ability to heal itself! What a hunt.