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Do you take your time on Happy Home Paradise or just run through it?


I'm just a ghost.
Aug 9, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
I have something to confess. I feel like I just rushed through the DLC because I wanted to see what the new content was and what new features you unlocked just to see what they are. On my first time playing the DLC I remember just making a lot of small homes for the villagers and I know for a fact that when they introduce the Room Size and Paretian walls I didn't have time do it, since I was too busy making a lot of homes.

I found out that if you just put only 3 items in the home that the villager wants to see then they will automatically be happy with it, however it has to be inside the home because if you don't do it they will just say "But you haven't done the interior" which is strange because some villagers have themes where they want to be outside all the time. Anyways thats what I was doing and I was able to see all the new stuff.

I started to take it slow since I was getting so much furniture in the catalog the more I kept building homes because it was a slow start because I started out so little but when I had more furniture I got better at making homes. Now part of me is regretting doing this too fast, but the other part is glad that I was able to get more furniture just to make the homes look better.

I guess the point is that if you want get a lot of furniture in your catalog then you have to make villager homes and the fastest way to it is to have amiibo cards but thats only unlocked when you made enough villager homes at the resort. What pace do you guys do?
I kind of rush through it in the sense that once I've put in furniture and rearranged it all, even if I'm not totally happy with it I'll just move on because I don't always have the energy to make it look exactly the way I want it to. But there was a long stretch of time where I didn't play at all so I'm like halfway through unlocking everything. Once I've got everything unlocked I'll probably go back through with my padded out catalogue and make everything look a lot nicer - plus I'll have hopefully developed some more decorating skills by that point!
I kind of rush through it in the sense that once I've put in furniture and rearranged it all, even if I'm not totally happy with it I'll just move on because I don't always have the energy to make it look exactly the way I want it to. But there was a long stretch of time where I didn't play at all so I'm like halfway through unlocking everything. Once I've got everything unlocked I'll probably go back through with my padded out catalogue and make everything look a lot nicer - plus I'll have hopefully developed some more decorating skills by that point!
Yeah I took my time making villager homes but I have a bad habit of making sure the homes are realistic and sometimes I find myself taking longer on a home when a villager asks to live in a like "Manor" or "Hotel" because then I have to make the homes really big and have a 2nd floor just to make it more great.
I was rushing through it the first half. Now that I seemingly have unlocked almost the majority (4 2.0 items I'm missing that aren't nook shopping exclusive) of the new 2.0 items I am taking my time with it, but haven't actually made anything new since late November as I am struggling to figure out what patterns I even want to use. I don't wanna use too many as I still need to plan out my island's pathing first.
At the beginning I was rushing to unlock all of the features. Some time after that I began to get more lax and take my time doing each request. At the moment, I'm rushing through them again because I spent most of my Poki on the castle items and now I'm really low on Poki. I have most of the new items so I'm not going to rush too much. I feel I may get burnt out quickly if I try to rush all at once.
At the beginning I was rushing to unlock all of the features. Some time after that I began to get more lax and take my time doing each request. At the moment, I'm rushing through them again because I spent most of my Poki on the castle items and now I'm really low on Poki. I have most of the new items so I'm not going to rush too much. I feel I may get burnt out quickly if I try to rush all at once.
Well the fastest way to get more Poki is by using the Roommate feature and I found out that if you just say that you're finished they don't seem to care that you didn't start with any changes and just like that you get more Poki. Its so broken in my opinion.
I am the opposite — I am progressing VERY slowly because if things don't look perfect (to my standards), I get super stressed out lol. I just hit 10 homes 😛

I think I need to take the opposite approach and just have fun with it, rather than feeling like I've ACTUALLY been contracted to design someone's home. I'm stressing like my paycheck is on the line LMAO
I am the opposite — I am progressing VERY slowly because if things don't look perfect (to my standards), I get super stressed out lol. I just hit 10 homes 😛

I think I need to take the opposite approach and just have fun with it, rather than feeling like I've ACTUALLY been contracted to design someone's home. I'm stressing like my paycheck is on the line LMAO
Yeah I feel the same. When I see my favorite villagers I find myself taking a lot more longer to make their home so good and making sure that it lives up to their needs that they want. Of course whenever I see villagers who I dislike I sometimes put them in like those small areas that are like faraway and do little work for them.
i don’t rush through it because i feel like i wouldn’t properly enjoy the dlc that way. i used to do 1-2 vacation homes every day but i haven’t got back to that because im busy re-doing/redecorating my island. plus i feel stuck with the restaurant decorating
I sort of rushed through unlocking everything, but now that I've got all the main features, I'm taking it more slowly... so long as I find inspiration. Even then, I feel like only the interior or exterior ends up really nice, not both - one ends up fully decorated, and the other is sort of barren and obviously an afterthought - and I still don't have a single house with a 2nd floor.
I'm not sure if I qualify since I don't have the DLC but am planning to get it for my sister and want to share my two cents. Personally, I'd just take my time going through what it has to offer and appreciate the little details, as with pretty much everything in life. Because if you just rush through it to get to the end, what will you do next after getting there? Moreover, did you focus on having fun, or did you do it just for the sake of completion?

It's something I ask myself and I always take my sweet time doing things. It's not about the destination, it's about the adventure or something along those lines. I don't really have a solid goal on what to do other than having fun which is why I always seem to just lag behind others lol.
ive done both. when i feel like the clients home style is one thats decent to work with to make it look good then i will take extra time on it; but if i get a sports client then i just rush through it. i have only one client that ive only given the 3 items too. either way it doesnt matter, the client is happy with whatever ive done no matter what it looks like LOL!
ive done both. when i feel like the clients home style is one thats decent to work with to make it look good then i will take extra time on it; but if i get a sports client then i just rush through it. i have only one client that ive only given the 3 items too. either way it doesnt matter, the client is happy with whatever ive done no matter what it looks like LOL!
Speaking of Sports I have to ask something. Why is it that some villagers ask for like "Cafe" or "Places to cook Rice"? That all just tells me the just want a home kitchen place, but the logic is every single home has a kitchen and yet we have a Restaurant and a Cafe built on our islands.

When I see this I just be like "Okay well I will have to pair you up with someone who already as a home like kitchen" and then I will just hire them as like the new "Chief" or "apprentice".
i didn't really rush anything, but i finished the dlc "quickly" i guess? i finished it in maybe like 3-4 days, but played for like 10-12 hours during those 3-4 days (the dlc dropped right before my work vacation, woohoo!) HOWEVER, if i got to a villagers house and started to run out of inspiration or ideas, i just kinda put things in spots that were the most pleasing at the time. i think i went back to most villagers houses and added/removed things as i saw fit (except for Chief's house because I legit have no idea what to do for a house full of chairs.)
It depends on the villager and their request. Some were really hard to embellish upon but others like Ketchup and Tangy were easier to add to their requested items.
I'm taking my time on it, but I think that is mostly due to having a new file from scratch. After the update dropped I decided to linger around on here more to see how much was added. I had sold my switchlite a few months prior because of frustrations with Nintendo mostly, but I was also a little disappointed with NH too. My spouse decided to keep his switch because it was the original model. I have a new copy of the game starting from the beginning so the game feels pretty massive to me now as it should. I still have a copy of my save data from the island before though if I ever really wanted to go back, but I don't feel like I want to because of how much more I like my current map, which most of it is already laid out, just decorating and villager acquiring now. My point however, is because it is a new file from scratch, I don't really have the want and drive to plow through the HHP. I get on HHP when I am in a mood to decorate and my catalog is just too small to do that with my island right now. It is fun and I am enjoying it. I have maybe about 10.
II clocked up 105 hours in November, nearly all of which was spent in HHP. That's just 3 hours less than the previous 10 months of Animal Crossing hours combined! Slowed down a lot now, mostly go to chill on the beach and upgrading existing homes.

It didn't feel like I was rushing at the time, but I definitely reached certain milestones far quicker than I wanted/expected to.
Yes. I’m a perfectionist so I can easily spend 20 min working on one house or building. The problem is that after that I feel drained and done for the night.

I’ve barely decorated 25 houses.
Having played since the day the DLC launched, I've built over 100 vacation homes.

I built the homes at my own pace. Which, at the beginning, meant 3-5 homes a day. I wasn't rushing though. I had time and they were animals I liked and wanted to build vacation homes for. I don't have a long-term plan to build for every single villager in the game. I will only do it for those I like. Some days, I only find one or two I like, so I just build one or two. I furnish the homes properly and I finish when I'm satisfied with how they look. It didn't take me a lot of time because, for one thing, I actually enjoy furnishing small homes. So they are mostly the default size. For another thing, I don't like the partitions and pillars. I don't use them except for the rare occasion when I wanted to test myself. Small homes don't need them.
I took my time with it. I enjoy decorating but I think some of the themes can be a bit repetitive especially if you’re trying to speed run it. So I just do a house when I feel like it and enjoy it