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Do you Time Travel or not?

Yeah, I have a problem...

I took like a 5 months break from ACNL, so I time travelled back to when I stopped playing and I'm just trying to get back now. When I was playing before my break though, I would time travel every time I finished everything for the day (which wasn't much, seeing as I was just starting out at first). I'm more cautious about time travelling forward now since one of my faves (I have more than 10), Anicotti, moved out by accident and without telling me. ;-;

- - - Post Merge - - -

Plus, when wanting to sell or give away certain villagers, I tend to time travel a lot more.
I time travel sometimes, but not a whole lot. If I didn't have dreamies, I would time travel more. But I'm so worried about losing one of them that I never time travel.
I time travel whenever I play.

I time travel if I take a break back to the last date I played in the game so as not to lose any villagers or gain any weeds. I time travel to force unwanted villagers out to make room for dream villagers. I used time travel to unlock the shops and their expansions faster. I time travel to catch more beetles and make more money faster than I would otherwise. I time travel to complete the museum faster.

It's a very useful technique and I can't imagine playing the game day by day in real time.
Yup. I'm trying to keep my town in cherry blossom season until I finish it for my dream town. And since I don't play daily anymore because of school, I also have to TT so I don't lose anyone.
I do it pretty much every single day and have in all the games. However, I never go more than a week ahead. If a villager is going to move, I will skip to the day so that there is no chance they will change their mind. I rarely tt backward.
I've time-travelled on every town I've made. Decided to try real-time on this one, though. Town's less than 2 weeks old and I've caught more and found bugs/fish I've never seen before, haha.
Yes, always have. I am pretty good at it too, have never really lost a villager to it either. I go backwards, forwards, I do it a lot during the same day to get sets or for people. I think I do that way more then I do it for anything else. I will stay on the same day endlessly. That is where I will say I am a master at.
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I don't. I keep thinking about it- but I'm so lazy. I want to keep changing the time and rebooting and junk. :/

I just want to take the game as it comes, as that's the charm of it for me. And I feel like if I TT I'm going to mess up the charm. xD
i do if i badly want to boot villagers out, but generally i prefer to play day by day. it's more fun that way for me and i have a lot of patience.
Yes, I find myself time traveling a lot. Anytime a villager is about to move I usually cycle them out immediately to open up their plot for pwps or plants or things, unless it's a tier one in which case I sell. Anytime there's any events I time travel back if I missed it or want more items from that event, since many events reset and allow you multiples if you TT. If I'm bored, I'll water my hybrids and TT for more for landscaping (cheaper than buying).

Otherwise, I typically play day-to-day adjusting the time/day to the irl time/day after I'm done TT-ing.
Yes, I do but mostly within the day. I rarely TT to other days unless I have someone I want to move out or something. I like to play daily and I don't really think TT:ing is necessary for me to have fun playing?? idk

In my second town I've TT:ed a bit, but mostly for villagers. Atm I'm on yesterday because I didn't play in that town yesterday and I wanted to play on every day so :< I'll probably TT to today later ^^
I do on my eshop version of the game...I have a physical copy and I don't TT on that one. The eshop version I use for villager trades and the like, and when I first got it to see how long certain things took to happen!
Not usually.. I usually leave the time as it is.
But if I'm moving a villager out, I might TT to their move out date or something like that.
No, actually! I just started my town this month & although I haven't had time to play every day, I still haven't time traveled.
Yeah, I TT back a day or a couple days a lot since I don't play all the time anymore and don't want to lose any of my villagers again. I'm also TT'ing to cycle through 16 villagers to get Shep back
of course - the game would be so boring for me if i couldnt time travel. i honestly dont care about being fair with the game - i have like one day out of the week to play now bc im occupied with clubs, studying, etc so i try getting the most out of my day by just time travelling. i honestly dont get people who refuse to time travel if they intend on playing all day, unless all they want to do is catch bugs & fish