do you use the random dream feature?


Senior Member
May 8, 2019
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i don't use it all the time but i think it's really fun! it's cool to get a glimpse into a random person's life
I use that far more than the other ways, because it works so well. I've only ever found completed or semi-completed islands while using it, so whatever the devs did they did right 👍🏽
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I haven't used it yet, since I've barely visited any dreams to begin with (iirc I've only visited 2 so far, lol). Maybe one day I'll actually make some use of it.
Yeah I do just to look for inspiration for how people do their homes because mine is a cluttered mess and I'm trying to look to see how people do their homes.
I still haven't used the DS, and probably never will.

I'm not renewing my online account next year anyway.
I've used it a lot. Most of the towns are not very good, but I have seen a few interesting ones. I like them because it looks as though they are not watching you tube videos of others towns and doing the same things that many of those towns do. Nothing wrong with that, but I like seeing towns that are the players own ideas.
I love random dreams. I like wandering around and seeing other people's ideas and guessing at their inspirations.
I love random dreams and not having to have addresses. I like the surprise of seeing where I end up.
I was never big on Dream Suite in ACNL, so it returning to NH wasn't too exciting for me. I decided to visit a random dream the other day to kill time and I really enjoyed myself! The accessibility of it is nice, since ANYONE can upload a dream, and you have an opportunity to visit ANYONE's town! I could get something totally unexpected! And it's always funny to see what kinds of things people come up with for their villagers' catchphrases. ;) I'm trying to visit a random town once a day.
When I've done all my usual on island chores and am feeling bored I normally spend some time visiting random dream islands. I find it useful for inspiration for future buildings. Plus I like to see other villagers ones who I wouldn't normally have on my island to see if there are any future residents. Its a great feature I've hardly used dreams prior to this.
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Just once, cause I wanted to see how it worked. To be honest, I should spend some time visiting other people's dreams islands cause it's something that I've been wanting to do for a while but I always forget to do so when I'm playing lol
I barely visit dreams already, and I wasn't impressed with the random dreams in NL, so no.
I love looking at random dreams, I did it a lot in New Leaf too. Sometimes, you'd get taken to a dream town that barely had anything done to it and you wonder why the person stopped playing? Or maybe they just never bothered updating their dream after the one time. And sometimes, you end up in an AMAZING dream town and you end up feeling inspired.
I've used it a couple times and I actually enjoy doing this more than actually finding islands to visit, u never know what you're gonna see and I've seen some great islands
I like to vusit one random island a week at least. Sometimes more. But at least one. I like to go around and see what is going on and what others have done
i dont really use it. las time in new leaf the random dream address option always make me end up in some island that isn't even developed at all and that is 100% all the time. Im not sure if its still the same in new horizons where random dreams are just plain islands but the bad experience i had in new leaf has definitely deterred me from using the random dress address option
It's all I use now! I used to use websites that gave out random DA codes so I was really glad when they added it back into the game :)