It’s fairly obvious to me what they’re doing, they don’t want all the secrets of their new game being splashed all over social media within a few days of launch thanks to TTing, they said all along throughout all the announcements that it was slowly paced, on an Island and more and more will unlock as you go. I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see monthly updates with new features, item sets etc. It just makes sense to introduce these over a period of time rather than throwing all the content out in one go and having it spoilt for the casual gamer,
Let’s look at New Leaf as an example, I played that game for 2 years before I unlocked the Emporium, 2 YEARS. This game has been out what? 13 days? Wouldn’t people prefer for things to be added and the game kept fresh rather than somebody somewhere unlocking all the content in the first week and everyone else playing catch up?
Let’s be honest it’s not like Nintendo are going to throw this game out there then leave it to its own devices, it was adding content and updated to New Leaf 5 years after it was launched, this is one of Nintendo’s biggest franchises now and I can assure you it will be well looked after. Today was a new month, catch some new bugs, find them Eggs, work on your town and I can guarantee you that by the end of this month we’ll have more info on upcoming features and content,
Calm down people and take this game for what it is, don’t rush.