Does anyone else have all their animals' birthdays close together?


Senior Member
Aug 21, 2020
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
All of villagers birthdays seem to be either August - early September or December - mid February, with none the rest of the year (if you include my birthday in late November it gets even more ridiculous!)

I'm just wondering if anyone else's birthday seem to be clustered close together, or if most people's are a bit more spread out than mine. I love the animals I have, but part of me wishes they were more evenly distributed so I can enjoy them more individually, rather than each one being yet another birthday, if that makes sense.
I didn't realize it before since I haven't really looked too closely at my villager birthdays in forever, but for my current villagers, 7 of the 10 have their birthday in the two month span of February/March:
  • Olivia (Feb. 3)
  • Boomer (Feb. 7)
  • Freckles (Feb. 19)
  • Hamphrey (Feb. 25)
  • Zucker (Mar. 8)
  • Skye (Mar. 24)
  • Fauna (Mar. 26)
After that, I have both Beardo and Boone who are September birthdays (Boone Sept. 12, Beardo Sept. 27), and Reneigh who's all out on her own as her birthday's on June 4. It would be nicer if they were more spread out (as in only 1 per month), but oh well, that's kinda just the way things have worked out and I'm not really too bothered by it to ever try and change it, lol.
My birthdays are pretty spread out, but I have more towards the end of the year. Also, I’ve just noticed I have a birthday for January 11th, November 1st, and November 11th. That’s a lot of ones.

Also, yes, my villagers are all dogs and wolves with an orange-brown color scheme. My villagers are aesthetically pleasing to look at, and I couldn’t be happier with my set.


Bea (10/15)
Maddie (01/11)
Bones (08/04)
Shep (11/24)
Goldie (12/27)
Biskit (05/13)
Mac (11/11)
Butch (11/01)
Kyle (12/6)
Chief (12/19)
Back when I had a lot of lions in my town, most of my birthdays were in July - August. It was kinda stressful because I had to keep finding good gifts for them lol.
My villager birthdays were few and far between until this month:
Bones- 8/4
Cole- 8/10
Gloria- 8/12
Tabby- 8/13
Nate- 8/16
Wart Jr.- 8/21
Nan- 8/24
Audie- 8/31

It looks like September is gonna be a busy birthday month as well.
I have 3 in October
1 in November
2 in December
And 1 in January

So not too close together, but still kinda close
Then the other are march, June, and August
I believe my islanders birthdays are spread out its only Ed and another newer islander I have that are all in September like my birthday. The rest is spread out which I like I wouldn't want so many birthday celebrations at once. I want to have the whole year to celebrate birthdays :)
Currently, here's my birthday lineup:

Jan 01 - Bob
Apr 11 - Punchy
Jun 15 - Maple
Aug 22 - Rolf
Sep 22 - Ankha
Sep 29 - Marshal
Oct 06 - Tex
Nov 05 - Lobo
Dec 11 - Sterling
Dec 20 - Rudy

I have at least one birthday celebrant a month from now until January... that is if Tex is still on my island in October.
Hmm, let's see...
  • January 21 (Genji)
  • March 1 (Coco)
  • March 11 (Hopkins)
  • April 22 (Phoebe)
  • July 23 (Elvis)
  • July 30 (Frank)
  • September 22 (Ankha)
  • November 4 (Lucky)
  • November 15 (Sly)
  • December 18 (Fang)
Looks like mine are pretty evenly spread out! (Makes me love my villagers even more, haha~ 🥰)
With my current line up I guess September is going to get pretty busy especially I have two player characters with birthdays in September too. So 5 birthdays in total.

Diana - January 4
Puddles - January 13
Tank - May 6
Reneigh - June 4
Cyd - June 9
Nan - August 24
Pecan - September 10
Cranston - September 23
Marshal - September 29
Raymond - October 1

When I'm done cycling villagers, it's probably going to look like this with probably Elolie and Fang getting cycled for other villagers. So it does look a little more spread out which I'm happy about.

Diana - January 4
Lily - February 4
Tank - May 6
Reneigh - June 4
Tangy - June 17
Cranston - September 23
Marshal - September 29
Raymond - October 1
Fang - December 18
Etolie - December 25
mine are pretty spread out

ursula 1/16
tybalt 8/19
filbert 6/3
fang 12/18
marshal 9/29
chevre 3/6
nan 8/24
rudy 12/20
tangy 6/17
tasha 11/30
Here are my villagers' birthdays:

Carmen - January 6th
Sprinkle - February 20th
Coach - April 29th
Filbert - June 3rd
Frita - July 16th
Poppy - August 5th
Spork - September 3rd
Whitney - September 17th
Peaches - November 28th
Chadder - December 15th

The birthdays that are close are Spork and Whitney in September.
I would say most of my mine are in March and December.

Diana- January 4
Chelsea- January 18
Judy- March 10
Skye- March 24
Felicity- March 30
Pekoe- May 18
Merry- June 29
Bianca- December 13
Fang- December 18
Etoile- December 25
Last year, my village had:

  • Me on September 9
  • Fuchsia on September 19
  • Octavian on September 20
  • Cranston on September 23
  • Apple, Blathers, and my mom on September 24
  • Marshal on September 29
I'm not entirely sure if I had all of them at once last September, but I remember having Cranston and Apple at the same time during their birthdays.

My villagers' birthdays right now are:

  • Roald on January 5
  • Anabelle on February 16
  • Judy on March 10
  • Melba on April 12
  • Vesta on April 16
  • Tangy on June 17
  • My sister on July 16
  • Me on September 9
  • Cranston on September 23
  • My mom (and Blathers) on September 24
  • Marshal on September 29
  • Lucky on November 4
  • Mac on November 11
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My Island's birthdays:

Genji- January 21st
Francine- January 22nd
My Birthday is February 20th (It still counts)
Sally- June 19th
Static- July 9th
Poppy - August 8th
Hazel- August 30th
Cally- September 4th
Marshal- September 29th
Sylvana- October 22nd
Claude- December 3rd

Genji and Francine's are a day apart!
And everything starts picking up around June (with a break during November).