Does anyone else send Gulliver to the wrong place to get chocolate coins?


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2015
Silver Mailbox
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Pink Hybrid Lily
Cuz I do xD if he's going somewhere I've already sent him, I send him somewhere else and add another chocolate coin to my collection. I like that they sound like actual coins when you drop them in your house :3 And I have 5 now, yay!
Yes all the time. I completed the set along time ago and he make me wait along time to get up.
Some days he jumps up right away and other days he takes his sweet time. I usually send the chocolate to Big Top because he loves candy. Last night I got it wrong and will try it in my house.

It will work in the room that has items collected thru event and other things.
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Sounds like a good idea seeing as they must be rare. Only downside is they're completely useless unless they look good indoors, which they might. :p

I like how they look ^~^ they look just like bells. I'm putting the ones I get in front of the doorways in the main room of my mayor's house.
I've never tried that but I'm thinking I will this next time, I have a lot of his items now and really most people will allow you to catalogue or buy them quite cheaply seeing as they're reorderable. I'm not keen on many of his items anyway really
Never actually had a chocolate coin though so I'll have a go :)
I did not you could do this! Lol poor Gullivers. They will all be sent to the wrong places now for coins. I may do this after I've collected the items I want from him, and if it's a place and the item is not something I necessarily need, I may just send him elsewhere for the chocolate coin.
i didnt know some people did this o.o i just send him to the right location again if the destination hes going was mentioned previously. chocolate coins are like junk to me so i dont really collect them. at least i get to sell the furniture guilliver sends.
what?? I didn't know that!!!! What do they look like?? I couldn't answer wrong though I'm a Geography nut and get every answer right without using a guide. It's not difficult at all.
what?? I didn't know that!!!! What do they look like?? I couldn't answer wrong though I'm a Geography nut and get every answer right without using a guide. It's not difficult at all.

They look just like regular coins in the game :D They also sound like coins when you put them in your house
I'm another one who didn't know you could to this! I'm going to have to try it next time he's in town.
I haven't ever done that. I do love the chocolate coins though :)
No, because i want all of his souvenirs (except by the tuk-tuk and that scary Mouth of Truth). When he ask next time for Italy or Thailand, i'll send him to the wrong place to get my lil' chococoin.
Not on purpose. I might gotten it wrong cause I didn't remember the actual place but I try to get it right or in rare cases look it up so i get the stuff :p
Honestly, I totally forgot that you can get those chocolate coins from Gulliver if you send him to the
wrong place. Probably because I always made sure I would answer correctly. Overall, I prefer more
to get the souvenirs from him rather than the chocolate coins, since I don't really have a use from
Any and each time, in order to get the fake coin. Now it stacked up to like 50+ or so. But I guess he can and for sure must be enjoying where he was sent!