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Does gender matter to you?

Gender doesn't matter to me but a good mix of personalities does. I also wish that Nintendo would mix up gender and personalities, as in real life I know plenty of snooty guys, "brotherly" guys, lazy women (...like myself) and ladyjocks and love them all.
I care more about appearance. If they're cute or their design is nice, I'll like them whether they're a boy or girl.
I strongly prefer to have all personalities, so that means at least four of each gender, and I feel better when my town is gender-balanced. I dunno, I just have a thing for symmetry! I have 6 female villagers and 4 male right now, and while I like everyone in my town, it feels a bit "off" to me when there's a skew in either direction.

My favorite villagers are the ones I have the most nostalgic memories of and the strongest attachment to, and since my towns have always been pretty balanced, there's not much of a skew there either. My favorite villagers from past games are Antonio, Dora, Peewee, Tipper, Vesta, Lolly, Benjamin, Walt, Deli, Pashmina, Poppy, and Roscoe. In my current town, my favorites are Antonio (randomly got him when I started!), Sydney, Huck, and Bubbles.
I prefer villagers based off their design, also I have alot of cat villagers because I personally.. just really like cats... If i end up getting bob and raymond in my town I will have 5 cat villagers aksahhshsjjs
Gender doesn't matter to me, but in due fairness most of my favourites are boys.

But my #1 favorite in New Leaf was Diana.
I only care in the sense that I like my town to be 50/50. Half male and half female, but that also translates into personality of which I must have one of each. Since there are only 8 personalities I believe, the extra two villagers are determined by how many males and females I already have as well as species and what I like in regards to appearance. My whole island and every town I've ever played is like a math equation.
I gravitate towards the male personalities a bit more, because I love them all (especially cranky and smug). I like uchis the least and I don't love very many peppy villagers, but I was lucky enough to get favorites for each of those personalities.
i don't really care about gender but i like to try and have a variety of personality types on my island, so i usually end up with an equal balance of genders. i'm primarily interested in character designs!
doesn't matter to me at all, other than gender being tied to personality there's not really a reason it would change my perception of them since they're all animals
I might feel somewhat that way, but for the most part, I'm more interested in the character design. In New Leaf when I first got Mira, for some reason I thought she was male. I looked up the character on Google because I thought maybe she was a girl based on her name. But again, mostly character design is where my liking for a character is drawn towards.
No it doesn’t matter to me

I prefer normal and uchi villagers for their personalities though, and they obviously are girl villagers but I’d still prefer them if they were boys!
Nah, I don't really care either way. I do try to have a good balance of both genders and all personality types on my island though!
I don't pay attention to gender. If Marshal and Raymond were females I wouldn't care any more or less than I do now. I couldn't even tell you off the top of my head how many of my dreamies are male or female.

I decide whether or not I like a villager based on their aesthetic and experiences I've had with them in the past. Gender has absolutely nothing to do with that.
i only care about design and personality! like others have said, i like having varied personality types so there's more dialogue. the only personality type i don't like is the jock type, and they happen to all be male. that said, i agree that it would be so nice to have the personality types be available to all villagers regardless of gender! snooty males, lazy females...it would be a lot more interesting.
Honestly i really dont care at all about gender, in fact most of the time i dont notice it lol
I care about gender only for the sake of wanting to have an even number of male/female to make things interesting. I'm still working on getting villagers I like, but I'm trying for 1 of each personality and then 1 extra girl and 1 extra guy.

I already know I'm going to have 2 normal villagers: Meringue (my husband found her and is keeping her for me until she asks to move) and Fauna (amiibo card I bought ages ago but forgot to bring with me abroad). Not sure what other personality type I'll have a duplicate of but I'm hoping it'll be cranky since it's one of my favs and my husband has 3 lazy villagers on his island and I don't wanna overload on that personality even though I love it. And I feel like having 2 jocks or smugs will be a bit much since their personalities are so strong.
couldn't matter less to me. if i think someone's cool, they're cool. sometimes i have more of one in my town, sometimes the other, sometimes balanced. doesn't matter to me.
I don't care about gender really, I usually have at least one of each personality type and after that I look at the designs of them. I like Raymond because he's a business cat, and I like Merry cause she's sweet and cute! I love cats so that's where I look a bit more, but in the end gender doesn't play much of a factor.