Does the shop restock?

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I guess it just got moved back again. XD

Every time someone asks, it gets pushed back. We're looking forward to a restock in 20 years or so.
I mean, who told you it gets pushed back when someone asks? URL source or a username would have been helpful.
I think it was Gallows or Justin. Jeremy said that it was delayed 2 months, but I'm not sure if he was being serious or not.
I think it was Gallows or Justin. Jeremy said that it was delayed 2 months, but I'm not sure if he was being serious or not.
This. So everyone just stop asking because I want my KAWAII COLLECTIBLES (_)
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Quick change the title before the mods see x3 maybe they won't push it back again hehehehe
What? thats so stupid. We were suppose to have monthly birthstones and they're pushing them back because people ask when it restocks? Thats so petty..
What? thats so stupid. We were suppose to have monthly birthstones and they're pushing them back because people ask when it restocks? Thats so petty..

I think you'll find that everyone has been taking their daily doses of sarcasm lately.

We're not seriously going to push them back. It will be announced when it does come out, like always.
Hahaha oh dear, nobody is serious about pushing them back like that. There is an actual reason the March birthstone isn't out yet, give it a few more days please. :)
I didn't make this thread about the birthstone, I made it about an item that went out of stock.
Let's all stop whining and leave the mods alone about the restock! :D
If Thunder needs help getting them done on time I'm always here to help.

/assumes that isn't the reason though
Is that who's in charge of it? xDDDD I thought it was some mod that no one even knows of.
Is that who's in charge of it? xDDDD I thought it was some mod that no one even knows of.

Justin and Jeremy are the only ones that can change the shop, being admins n' all


I think Thunder makes all the collectible images though
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