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Does you island representative looks like you?

Apr 22, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Matryoshka Doll
Green Christmas Stocking
I tried to be as close as possibly to make my island representative to resemble me IRL. Unfortunately I don't have square eyes IRL. lol

Does yours share resemblance or is it completely different?
I made my island rep look as close to me as possible! I wish there were better hair options but I usually wear the bun/ponytail because the other options are too short to look like me. I don't have a triangle nose, but close enough! 😂

The biggest thing that makes it not look like me is that the island rep is kind of short/squat. I'm very tall and it feels so weird to be small in the game, haha!
Nope, my island rep is based on my original character, so she looks nothing like me.
sort of? she's modelled after one of my characters who shares most of my appearance but she's lacking the blue eyes because i think the anime-esque ones look weird in any color other than black.
hm I'd say yes, like the hair and almond eye shape 0: I wish there were more curly/wavy hair options though :<
I'd say that it looks like me as a child.

In my current position as a 31 year old man with a full beard...no, it doesn't look like me. Lol. I tried using the beard accessory, but I honestly just don't like the way it looks. Your character always looks childlike, so having facial hair always looks strange to me. Plus, I feel like the entire point of Animal Crossing is the childlike-innocence. So, yeah...same skin tone, same hair color and basic style...similar clothing choices. But, not a perfect representation of me as I exist currently. That would be too weird. Lol.
Sort of? The wavy brown hair, tan skin tone, brown eyes... my nose is the round one just because I think it looks cuter, although I think the triangle would technically for better. My hair is longer than the hair I have currently, but I don’t really care hah

I’m also very tall so it’s strange to be tiny 😂
sort of but my hair's way longer and it's ashy blond (bleached), i stick with the greys 'cause the blond options look sickly to me lol
I'm a 51-year old woman, so it's a bit off, but the rest - hair, eyes, clothing are me.

Admittedly, some of the clothing falls under the "wish I could wear this" category, but again, it has to do with age. :)
Yep, they have very similar hairstyle and eyes to irl me. However, my rep dresses really nice compared to me cus all I wear are sweatshirts and sweat pants XD
no lol mine is an entirely different character. my NL mayor was based off me and idk i didn't really wanna do that again
I'd say its a more extreme version of myself when it comes to clothing, but hair/face/eyes is pretty much me. I just wear things I wish I could wear IRL in game!!
I mean... she's similar. Blonde hair, fair skin, blue eyes. And I have her a mole under her lip, just like I have. She also almost always wears glasses like I do.

But her hair is generally styled much nicer than mine 😅 Though I did recently unlock the messy bedhead hairstyle and have kind of become obsessed with it, so I guess she looks more like me now than ever 😂
the face.. somewhat? i used to have my hair color & style and most outfits match irl but now i just pick whatever i find cute