Inexperienced Legend
My cat has actually named my entire family. My mom is "Meowlel", my dad is "Rowel", my sister is "Rolul" and I'm "Marl". Although he's a ******* and only calls for Meowlel if his litter box is dirty.
My cat has actually named my entire family. My mom is "Meowlel", my dad is "Rowel", my sister is "Rolul" and I'm "Marl". Although he's a ******* and only calls for Meowlel if his litter box is dirty.
I remember feeding my dog a cheeto when i was five and he pooped it out undigested and ate it again and I cried because it was gross, does that count for something
My dog is too smart sometimes. He has to take a Benadryl pill twice a day and for the first two weeks he would eat it with his food no problem. Then one day he didn't, so I gave him some extra food so he would eat it up. That was my mistake. Now he purposely eats around it because he knows he gets some extra food then. And of course I give it to him because he has to take the pill... ;3;
i put my dog's pill in a marshmallow if available, or wadded up in a piece of bread. most of the time she eats around it; then i have to take the pill, and cram it down her throat lion-tamer style till she swallows it. my hand is a slobbery puddle afterwards. sometimes i get lucky and even though she ate around it she'll scoop it up and eat it afferwards like dessert. the only time she ever bit me was by accidentm when i had to pull chicken bones she had gotten out of her mouth, she didnt mean to bite me she just couldnt stop chomping on the bones when i reached into her maw...