Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

Trump or Biden?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 11 28.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 27 71.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Good grief.
Mar 16, 2014
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If the two candidates you had to choose between voting for were Donald Trump and Joe Biden, who would you vote for?
After reading all the news about Joe Biden and his new promises, I’m going to vote Trump again. In fact, I’ll choose Trump over anyone, except for Greg Abbott or Ben Carson if they run for president.
Honestly, you could put almost anybody's name there and I would probably vote for whoever was running against Trump. He is the worst and 95% of the population would be a better choice in my opinion.
I'm not American but same as LadyDestani, I would vote for literally almost any person over Trump
I'm going with LadyDestani. Also the person who said Trump.....yikes. Now I know who to avoid....
wow, tough choice

in the end though, I think I'll go with the one who isn't a serial/child rapist that constantly praises and defends murderous dictators while giving the finger to ally nations, welcomes elections interference from hostile nations while doing nothing to improve election security and being involved with disinformation campaigns, openly and repeatedly defies the judicial branch, constantly floats the idea of ignoring term limits, intertwines his business dealings in order to use his position in the government to profit, attempts to block and thwart any attempts at investigation, attacks and demeans anyone that doesn't help him or his ego, and has genocidal concentration camps rife with inhumane living arrangements, physical, and sexual abuse

just to scratch the surface
Literally neither of them. They’re both slimy people if you ask me. I know that no one is perfect and that everyone has done bad things, and that no one person will have everyone’s best interest at heart, but the both of these men do not share any of my values.
Normally when I choose to vote, I don’t judge by their personal life or history. I go by their ideologies (like if one promises to block illegal immigrants from entering while the other promises free healthcare for everyone). Why wouldn’t I vote Biden? Is it because he’s a creepy stalker, or is it because he plans on repealing the Hyde Amendment (an amendment that bans direct taxpayer funds to abortions)? The only issue I can agree with Joe Biden on is the death penalty.
thank god i won't be old enough to vote by a few months so i don't have to choose aksfkdks
Well, let me think.

One is the annoying dog that occasionally pees on someone?s carpet.
The other is a foaming at the mouth, man-eating Grizzly?that comes crashing through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man ready to vomit the eaten man onto your carpet.
As someone who doesn't know much about American politics, I think anything but Trump is a good option. Simply judging by his attitude and terrible demeanor, it's a no from me for Trump.
I'm with LadyDestani and others who have said anyone but Trump in 2020. I didn't vote for him before & would never vote for Trump.
Um, yeah... I don?t really like discussing politics to be honest. I didn?t vote last time and I doubt I?ll vote this time. I voted for Joe Biden in the poll, but...

Can I vote 3rd party?

Realistically, this is what I would do were I to vote.
I mean. I voted in the poll but I really don't like either of them. Both seem really shady and hold beliefs that are either really far left or really far right, respectively. I seem to find myself in the middle and that is why I find it hard to agree with either one most of the time.