United States Done for now


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2016
Chocolate Coins
Santa Tokens
100% (29) +
Updated: Sep. 18th

Alright I am down to my last 7 I need to complete my collection

What I Have To Offer:
012 - Redd ~

107 - Katie ~
108 - Tommy ~
113 - Isabelle ~
115 - Nat ~
120 - Ozzie
140 - Avery
145 - Carmen
147 - Scoot
149 - Broccolo
152 - Wendy
156 - Gabi
163 - Ed
177 - Flip
187 - Vic
193 - Keaton
200 - Rocket

201 - Rover ~
202 - Blathers ~
203 - Tom Nook ~
205 - Phyllis ~
214 - Don ~
216 - Franklin ~
219 - Anchovy
223 - Del
224 - Paula
230 - Velma
235 - Spork
239 - Ricky
242 - Chevre
246 - Eloise
248 - Hazel
251 - Chester
260 - Tammi
267 - Pippy
271 - Curlos
275 - Hamlet
276 - Astrid
278 - Dora
280 - Victoria
281 - Lyman
287 - Claudia
288 - Curly
289 - Boomer
291 - Sparro
292 - Baabara
296 - Soleil

301 - Isabelle ~
302 - Brewster ~
307 - Gracie ~
320 - Mott
345 - Naomi
363 - Celia
367 - Annalise
368 - Chow
371 - Sally
381 - Gloria
388 - Maelle

154 - Rhonda
305 - Celeste
327 - Penelope
145 - Carmen
156 - Gabi
345 - Naomi
368 - Chow
182 - Alice
227 - Rodeo
245 - Mac
263 - Gaston
340 - Tex
400 - Robin
124 - Harry
134 - Kidd
166 - Kitty
232 - Canderra
254 - Greta
257 - Klaus
172 - Agnes
293 - Rolf
337 - Queenie
341 - Melba
369 - Sylvia
375 - Becky
379 - Nibbles
383 - Hippeux
138 - Sly
142 - Peck
158 - Timbra
196 - Freya
339 - Frita
348 - Olaf
352 - Rory
395 - Cally
105 - Copper
157 - Moose
215 - Isabelle
217 - Jingle
221 - Kody
389 - Bruce
111 - Shrunk
119 - Felicity
229 - Cousteau
304 - Phineas
314 - Gulliver
335 - Dotty
306 - Tommy
312 - Shrunk
324 - Graham
328 - Boone
350 - Elmer
360 - Rod
114 - Blanca
126 - Coach
210 - Cyrus
370 - Jacques
376 - Rizzo
378 - Barold
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Would you be willing to trade your CoCo,Melba and Maelle for my Freya, Antonio and Gaston?
Hello! I'm looking to complete my sets and I have the following:
  • Series 2: 111, 119, 126, 142, 151, 199
  • Series 3: 229, 249, 263
  • Series 4: 304, 314, 335, 339, 348, 351, 352, 376, 378, 395, 399
Looking for:
  • Series 2: 105, 157
  • Series 3: 215, 217, 221
  • Series 4: 389
Please take a look. Thanks!
Sorry for the late responce, I went to bed.

Would you be willing to trade your CoCo,Melba and Maelle for my Freya, Antonio and Gaston?
I'm sorry I'm going to have to pass for now. CoCo and Melba are pending at the moment on another website. I'll let you know if you are still interested later if they change there mind.

Hello! I'm looking to complete my sets and I have the following:
  • Series 2: 111, 119, 126, 142, 151, 199
  • Series 3: 229, 249, 263
  • Series 4: 304, 314, 335, 339, 348, 351, 352, 376, 378, 395, 399
Looking for:
  • Series 2: 105, 157
  • Series 3: 215, 217, 221
  • Series 4: 389
Please take a look. Thanks!

Is this alright with you?

105 - Copper
157 - Moose

215 - Isabelle
217 - Jingle
221 - Kody
389 - Bruce


111 - Shrunk
119 - Felicity
229 - Cousteau

304 - Phineas
314 - Gulliver
335 - Dotty
That’s fine☺️ would you be willing to do Rosie and Maelle for any two of the three cards I’ve listed? I still really want Maelle lol
Hey looking to trade for 234 - Marina.

This is what I have:
142 - Peck
158 - Timbra
361 - Purrl

I know it says US but if you are willing to ship to Canada, we can do the trade.
I've been looking for Marina for a long time :(
Hello! I have these cards:
210 - Cyrus
227 - Rodeo
263 - Gaston
352 - Rory

Would you be willing to trade 382 - Lobo for any of those?
I currently have the following cards you need (All NA)
199-Big Top

I was wondering if you would be interested in trading for (All NA)
Ok sorry I have not responded, I just realized I'm not subbed to me thread here and was not getting any notification. (Its been a while since I been here, I thought it was automatic). Anyways I have updated the list more since I opened up a chunk of packs today and I have trading a bit other places so now it should be good.
(Also after posting this im heading to bed so I wont see anything till I'm back up)
Hi, from your list I have (114) Blanca, (126) Coach, (210) Cyrus, (370) Jacques, (376) Rizzo, and (378) Barold.
Two SP cards and one you deemed valuable. Would you be willing to trade these cards for them?
(306) Tommy
(312) Shrunk
(386) Rosie
(324) Graham
(328) Boone
(360) Rod
Hi, from your list I have (114) Blanca, (126) Coach, (210) Cyrus, (370) Jacques, (376) Rizzo, and (378) Barold.
Two SP cards and one you deemed valuable. Would you be willing to trade these cards for them?
(306) Tommy
(312) Shrunk
(386) Rosie
(324) Graham
(328) Boone
(360) Rod

I'm sorry, relooking at my post I made a mistake with Coach, he is not a valuable card. I deleted an old card that was and i guess the + moved to him. Other then Coach and Rosie I'm still up to trading for the others.
I'm sorry, relooking at my post I made a mistake with Coach, he is not a valuable card. I deleted an old card that was and i guess the + moved to him. Other then Coach and Rosie I'm still up to trading for the others.

All good! How about instead of Rosie, would you trade (350) Elmer for Coach?
Hi, I'm looking for: 108~, 124, 172, 238, 254, 293, 337, 341+, 342+, 357+, 369, 375, 379, 382+, and 383.
I have to offer: 102~, 138, 142, 158, 198, 245, 339, 340, 348, 352, 395, 399, and 400. (Also, a 196.) I'd love to make 11 1:1 trades for your normal value cards and would be happy to trade multiple cards for one of your higher value one if you're interested!
I understand you want to trade 4 or more cards, but I'd like to offer a 1:4 offer.
Because there is only one card left to complete my collection!
I have #123, #227, #399, and #044. And I'm interested in you #342 Bones.

-I edited few my expressions, but offer isn’t changed.
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