Selling Done

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I'd love whitney. I've been trying to get her for awhile. How much would you want for her?
I also have room for her.
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Where are you? You haven't added me yet.
I really don't have long right now.

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I'd love whitney. I've been trying to get her for awhile. How much would you want for her?
If you have room for her, you can have her if you are online when I get back. I will be busy for a while now with turnips.

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Gone for now, I will check back later.
Where are you? You haven't added me yet.
I really don't have long right now.

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If you have room for her, you can have her if you are online when I get back. I will be busy for a while now with turnips.

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Gone for now, I will check back later.

Any idea when you might be back? And thank you so much:)
Hey sorry adding you atm, had to walk the dog.
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Is there any way I could come sell my turnips and possible pick up whitney if she is in boxes that is? I would wait my turn too.
Can i offer 1M bells and an 24 hour ABD for whitney? (i have been looking for her for a while with no luck)
Can i offer 1M bells and an 24 hour ABD for whitney? (i have been looking for her for a while with no luck)

I'm sorry, but I am pretty sure that she will be taken by the first one to post for her. If that falls through I will let you know. But I don't think it will.

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Is there any way I could come sell my turnips and possible pick up whitney if she is in boxes that is? I would wait my turn too.

Whitney is in my second town, and I only have 1 ds. That is why I can't do both at once. :)
I have seen your post on the turnip thread, and your turn will come. But you have to keep an eye on the thread, or you may miss your turn.
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