Dont be counting on a wii version soon.


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2006
Everyone is eagerly awating the Wii version of ac, some more than others :rolleyes: ,but the truth is that they just released ac:ww about a year ago! Think about it what was the time frame between ac gcn and ww? About 4 years! But some people say that they are bored of acww already but if u r bored with that whats to stop u frm getting bored of the wii AC in a year? Its not that im agianst wii ac but it will be a while till we get it.
Yah, a lot of people are expecting it way too early.

(moved to AC General btw)
Well, this is actually one of my most least anticipating Wii games, only because TP and Brawl look so amazing.
Gengar said:
Well, this is actually one of my most least anticipating Wii games, only because TP and Brawl look so amazing.
TP doesnt looka lk that amazing i mean i just dont like the gloomy graphics seems depressing though the first games i want to plaay on wii or want the most -
red steel , Brawl ,and That uhm eh eh oh yeah its metal slug
I really want to see how animal crossing on the wii is like though
ac for the wii will be out on stock like next year. plus I saw the gameplay already in my nintendo power magazine. its the almost the same graphics as ac for the gcn.