My weather seed is suddenly changed, it was perfect till the afternoon and now it showing up different weather.
I have to to do all over again that sucks. Is that happened with anyone?
Are you sure the site hasn't defaulted to a different seed than the one it gave you?
I've had that happen to me before. Reenter your seed and see if anything changes. If it does not, then you always had the wrong seed
Are you sure the site hasn't defaulted to a different seed than the one it gave you?
I've had that happen to me before. Reenter your seed and see if anything changes. If it does not, then you always had the wrong seed
Yeah sounds like the site randomly decided to change the seed it was telling you about then.
If you just re-enter the seed number it gave you from when it was right things should go back to normal
I had the site change the weather seed on me before. I think it happens when you delete some cookies, clear your browser cache, or the site does an update. I wrote down my weather seed in a few places so I don't have to worry about losing it.
I had the site change the weather seed on me before. I think it happens when you delete some cookies, clear your browser cache, or the site does an update. I wrote down my weather seed in a few places so I don't have to worry about losing it.
My guess is that it was never correct, to begin with. The same happened to me: I thought I had found my weather seed but, after a few weeks, it didn't correspond to my island's weather anymore. I redid everything, re-found my weather seed and now everything's fine.