hello! i'm flea, and i'll be your doodler today. i'm 24yo and married, working full-time with weekends off. this means i'm not around to work on art every single day. but i'm usually online (i'm always mobile) so i can answer any questions/concerns pretty quick!
- please be patient. i have other priorities that come before TBT.
- please pay half upfront. the remainder can be paid after i send you your piece.
- do not make more than one request at a time.
- do not remove my signature.
- i will probably be posting these on my art tumblr. it's nsfw though, so i won't be linking it.
- i will literally draw anything EXCEPT fandom (acnl the exception of course) and backgrounds. humans, anthros, furries, feral. all genders/species. complex designs (i'll let you know if i consider the design difficult or not), nsfw (you'll have to pm me though). anything.
- i accept requests that look the most fun to draw, so i won't be going in order. whatever catches my eye, i'll do first.
- chibi 1/chibi 2/chibi 3
- sketched full body/sketched bust
- clean lines full body w/ additional character/finished clean lines complex full body/finished clean lines colored complex full body
- sketches 100 TBT
- clean lines 250 TBT
- chibi's 100 TBT
- bust 175 TBT
- full body 250 TBT
- complex design 150 TBT
- additional characters 100 TBT.
so when ordering, your format should look something like ...
sketch (100) + chibi (100) = 200 TBT.
flat colors (250) + full body (250) + complex design (150) = 650 TBT.
ALSO i will sometimes do art trades or accept villagers.
currently, i am open for trades, but i am not accepting villagers.
basically what you saw above.
sketch/flat + chibi/bust/full body + complex/additional = total.
make sure to include a reference image and any extra details. you can ask for a pose but i can't promise that it'll happen.
- Pokemanz
- slammint
- Chipped-Teacupp
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