It just stopped for me recently actually. The site still takes me ages to load every so often. Maybe every ten minutes it gets laggy. As for the database message for me, it only happens like every few hours if I'm unlucky. Earlier today, it was so bad, I couldn't see posts in some threads or even load profile pages correctly. The site also gave me the maintenance message every like 30 seconds if I was loading a new page. That lasted for like 15 minutes. It's completely stopped now though.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Edit, threads are still super glitch for me right now. I can't see my own posts, or the latest post by someone else in one of my threads. Also closed one of my glitched threads earlier once I was done with it. It's mainly post issues.
Every day pretty much.
Some sessions are worse than others.
Yesterday was the worst I've experience. Just wouldn't load threads or sub forums.
I couldn't even post, then when it did, it double posted.
Seems better today though, still lagging and double posting though.
I get double posts all the time, or when I am trying to post a VM it will be stuck on loading until I refresh the page, and then usually I get the database error thing until I type in the main address again.
I am sometimes getting the Resetti screen but I think I've only get the Katie screen once.
I am getting sooo many post glitches when it wont post and it's just forever loading though.
For the past month ive been having alot of double posting glitches and when i post it takes forever to load and resetti is popping up a lot more this past week