Draw My Chickens! (^)>


dont be such a sour wolf
Aug 3, 2014
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Tasty Cake
Famous Mushroom
Bronze Trophy (Third Place)
Rainbow Feather
Pikachu Easter Egg
Tasty Cake
November Birthstone (Topaz)
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
So Good Friday is coming up soon (even though it's early this year), and that means it's almost the one-year anniversary of me getting chickens! :D

The story goes that one day my mom and her boyfriend went out and when they came home hours later, they had bought twelve baby chicks! My mom is a health nut, so her idea was to raise them and they would lay eggs for us! So we kept them in a box, then a bigger box, then a cage, and then eventually we built them a coop in our backyard, which is where they live to this day! They lay eggs everyday with the exception of two- one turned out to be a rooster and the other stopped laying for some odd reason.

To celebrate the anniversary, I was hoping some artists would like to draw some of the chickens! I thought it would be a fun little thing since everyone seems to love them. :)
You can draw them as an AC villager or just as a chicken! You can draw me with a chicken if you want! They can be singles or couples! All art is welcome, just have fun with it!

Also, feel free to chat! I love talking about my chickens~

Below are all the chickens, some information on them, and a picture, if I have one!

You can say they all look alike, but you'll see they are actually all very different!



Chick Norris 1


Chick Norris 2


Ready for bed


Sitting in the sun


On my bed


Surprise shot


Leg Chicken!

The Queen of the Chickens!​
Chick Norris is the head of the hen house, under Mr. Kravitz of course! Essentially the mascot for all my chickens, she's bold and has lots of sass. She does whatever she wants and expects you to do everything in your power to keep her happy! She makes little "perp" sounds wherever she goes. If you talk to her, she'll often respond with something you can translate back into an actual response.
She's the official "House Chicken", meaning she doesn't live in the coop with the others, she lives inside the house with us... like a dog. She used to just come inside for short visits before bed, but now she's a permanent inside peep. She honestly feels like she doesn't belong in the coop and is ever so happy with just laying down on the bed.
She loves sitting in the various bins hidden in nooks and crannies all around the house. These bins are in the coop for the hens to lay eggs in, but unfortunately Chick stopped laying eggs for some reason and now just sits in the bins, trying her hardest. She'll make a squeak-like peeping sound before going in one, then she'll just sit there for hours. The tastes for bins change every so often, so what was once a favorite may soon be the absolute worst. Bin locations change frequently because of this. She HATES when other chickens (who may also be inside for various reasons) sit in ANY of "her" bins. She'll start squawking wildly if she discovers one in her bin, so it's best to keep her away from bins when other hens are trying to lay their eggs.
If you sit down on a couch, she will hop up and either lay down right next to your neck or sit on your leg. It is recommended that you always have something to do before you sit down. She loves laying on beds and scruffing in blankets. She also make a little nest out of piles of clothes on the floor. She has a habit of feather picking when standing on you, preventing you from going anywhere for quite some time. When it comes to other chickens in the house, she always has to one-up them. If one of them is eating, she also has to go and eat. If one is kept in the cage in the laundry room all day, she'll have to climb in and see what was going on after the other peep is let out. She even has to take a drink of the water inside the cage just because she can. At night, she sleeps on the back of the couch in the living room, snuggled up against the blanket. She makes little purring sounds when she is happy. She seems to be the only peep whose squawks don't sound like someone is stabbing them. She also has an obsession with paper towels.
Her name is Chick Norris because as a chick she would often jump from your arm all the way into the box along with other daredevil-ish feats.
Marilyn is a snuggly cuddly poof! She loves to climb on your leg or wherever and just lay on you. She prefers to be next to your face, though. Recently, however, she's been finding great pleasure in climbing on your head. When you go into the pen, she'll be right there waiting to jump on your back. And once she's on, she won't get off.
She's named after Marilyn Monroe because as a chick Marilyn was the only platinum blonde peep in the box.
The squeakbox! Peanut has a thing for making little squeaking noises wherever she goes. When she's not squeaking, she's completely silent. She's like a shadow and will always be either right behind or right next to you, just watching what you're doing. Sometimes she'll just stand there and start closing her eyes. Like Marilyn, she loves to cuddle. She also has a fascination with sweatshirt strings and will pull on them viciously. Peanut absolutely hates being picked up.
We call her Peanut because she's small and very lightweight.
No photo yet...
Buffy is one of the wild peeps that doesn't care for human interaction at all. She's very mean to the other chickens and will boss them around. She doesn't like to be touched or held. She won't even sit in your lap. She can often be heard squawking about something inside the coop.
She resembles Chick, but with a puffier face.




Gladys & Chick​
Gladys is better known as The Screamer. She is ALWAYS screaming about something, whether you're right there with her or not. Like a few other peeps, she loves to cuddle and will often burrow under your arm.
She has a crooked comb for some reason.
No photos yet!
Otherwise known as Complainer Peep! Like Gladys, she's often complaining about some random thing. She doesn't like to be touched, but will come and sit on your lap on occasion.
She has big eyes and a patch of black on her tail. She's adorable.
No photos yet!
One of two "unknown" rust peeps that we never seem to identify, mainly because they just seem to blend into the woodwork.
No photos yet!
One of two "unknown" rust peeps that we never seem to identify, mainly because they just seem to blend into the woodwork. This one seems to be the lead hen when Chick Norris is out on the town.

Me & Mr. Kravitz 1


Me & Mr. Kravitz 2​
The head honcho of the chicken coop! Mr. Kravitz was originally Mrs. Kravitz back when we thought they were all hens, but then she turned out to be a rooster so it was like WHOOPS. Mr. Kravitz craves attention and always wants to come see what you're doing. When you enter the pen, he'll climb to the top of the ramp until he is eye-level with you and furiously peck your clothes while doing man-clucks. He also likes to climb on your back for brief periods. If you're inside the house and by a window he might see you, and when he does he'll start crowing.
Did I mention he man-clucks? It's true. These are really deep clucks that he does when he is happy. CLUCK. He also has this little dance he does around the ladies. Koki is apparently his girlfriend and follows him wherever he goes.
Koki is the easiest to identify because she has crooked toes.

If you want me to pay I can, and I'll gladly tip, I was just hoping some of you might want to contribute!

After the month is over, this thread will turn into a basic thread for info on my chickens! Or I might just move it somewhere more appropriate, y'know.

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the only one of my chickens that I named is "stupid feet" lel
good luck <3
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Bump! Only a few more left to add in, then I've gotta go take some pictures.
I really want to draw one but I have to click on 354 spoilers to look at one picture
lol, when I get the patience to click all the spoilers, I'll draw one cx
I really want to draw one but I have to click on 354 spoilers to look at one picture
lol, when I get the patience to click all the spoilers, I'll draw one cx

I have like major OCD when it comes to organizing things like text and pictures. ;v;
I'll consider it, if anything for practice. However, for now, I'm just going to let it go until I have more time.
I painted Peanut the chicken with watercolor ,I hope you like ,Btb tips will be great ;-)
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