. Rarity .
A Beautiful Heart
We all got our favorites, but if you could assemble a dream team who would be in it, and which one would you have as your starter?
Id have started with a Skitty I met while I was out. Then my remaining team would be a Seviper, a Zubat who would become a Crobat, a Ponyta id sometimes ride, a eevee eho would become my lovely leafeon, and the strongest caterpie you have ever seen!
Your turn, who would you have, and who would be your starter on this grand journey.
Id have started with a Skitty I met while I was out. Then my remaining team would be a Seviper, a Zubat who would become a Crobat, a Ponyta id sometimes ride, a eevee eho would become my lovely leafeon, and the strongest caterpie you have ever seen!
Your turn, who would you have, and who would be your starter on this grand journey.