✨ dreamcoast 🌊 [hard mode]

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Mar 18, 2017
Bronze Trophy (Third Place)
User Title Color Change
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Summer Shell
Pink Summer Shell
New Horizons Token
Tasty Cake
wowzah, it has been sometime since i’ve posted on these forums, huh?

almost as long as i’ve been away from the actual game.



wild indeed, marshal.

anyway, since it’s the 3rd anniversary of ac:nh and i’ve been in a big animal crossing mood the last week or so, i thought to myself; “hm, why not try to get back into the game?”

but i wanted to do it in a fun and unique way, and hey look, i found this (subjectively) fun and unique idea by nintentalk.

i’m around 2 months too late to the party but at least it means i don’t have to explain what hard mode is (and if i do, i just suggest clicking the link, i’m bad at explaining things).

so yeah, i download the game again, only took an hour and i have more than one switch so i’m privileged and didn't have to delete my old island (i swear i’ll finish it someday, might be on my death bed) andddd…

i hated the islands i got so bad i didn’t even pick one i just instantly rerolled lol. didn’t take a picture but i promise you 2 of them were double south rivers (not that they’re bad but i’ve had them twice and don’t really like the long and forever side beaches, just not for me.) and 3 of them had short docks and i wasn’t feeling a short dock. i’m not picky but size matters sometimes, y’know.

so i accepted my fate of having to get both my starter villagers photos before they can escape my island, but it won’t be too bad if they’re both good, right?



my starter villagers end up being billy and flo, who… i actually don’t mind too much, surprisingly. but then again when it comes to villagers i’m not too picky and my overall favorite villager is hazel so my taste is a bit abnormal to say the least.

also billy’s catchphrase is “dagnaabit” iirc. I can’t be too upset at that.

also also i just did some research on billy, his birthday is coming up on the 25th, yippee!

also also also i looked at what his house interior usually looks like. man am i glad i got him as a starter and not later down the line.

so, i start my new island life setting up the average college student’s house.


and because it's hard mode, i (try) to follow the rules. i make my own really well designed custom outfit (you won't see it on me in some pictures because i forgot to put it on after making it lol)


and i draw on my bulletin board with a horribly drawn sign, definitely nowhere near as good as my custom design outfit.


and because i know i'll be in poverty in terms of nook miles tickets, i make my passport.


it's a bit of work in progress. give me some time.

after that i do the typical stuff you do after resetting, aka paying for my house via nook miles system and giving nook fishes and insects so i can say hi to my homie blathers the next day.. which is actually the same day just around 5am since I'm playing around midnight.

oh, and here's the end-of-the-day map:


personally i love it. my only complaints being how close the town hall is to the airport (too close to do those cool bridge openers) and the airport color (which could've been worst ngl. just would've preferred blue).

i already have a few ideas for a few areas but i'll talk more about those ideas when i can actually execute them.

have a cute bonus picture:


i almost never play the game this late so i didn't even know timmy (or is that tommy) comes inside to read and sit on a pillow after it gets too late. very cute imo.

that'll be all for the first update! should have another post up very soon, though.
by very soon, i mean “i got a call to come into work on my off day” soon.

but i did play the game a bit before i left.

starting with something i don’t think i’ve ever done before; group stretching!


it was very cute. can’t wait to see it grow with the more villagers i get.

so i did my basic dailies and mandatory stuff like giving cute bugs and fishes to blathers and setting up nook’s shop.

but of course, the hardest thing next to waiting if you’re not time travelling and making furniture for the first 3 plots you make (which i forgot until now… oh no..) is getting 30 iron nuggets without using a nook miles ticket.

which i’m pretty sure is impossible (that or i’m unlucky) so i use a nook mile ticket, thinking at the time that i’m wasting it for future villager hunting and i’m greeted to…


the homie jacob.

i didn’t take him lol.

i’m neutral on jacob and this was my free ticket usage so i didn’t feel pressured to take him. i’m sure he deserves a better island to live on anyway.

but thanks to his beautiful presence i realized i could actually start my villager hunting, and technically on the very first day of coming back into the game, too. interesting.

so i do (after hitting a few rocks and trees. lucky got enough iron nuggets to build the shop) and i come face to face with…


the cutie eunice.

…oh, and some wasps.


gotta smugly show ‘em wasps who’s boss.

at the time i just took eunice because i thought she was above average and knowing my luck i wouldn’t find any better villagers (overall i only had 5 tickets to use and this was the 2nd island) but fortunately my villager luck is pretty darn good:


the beloved audie.

if you were wondering what my irl reaction was; i verbally said “OH MY GOD!!” and speedran inviting her to my island.

i do love my beloved audie, though i also do sorta feel a little bad because i was going into this thinking all my villagers would be brand new villagers i’ve never had before and i actually did have audie for an amount of time on my old island… oh well.

hard mode says if someone wants to leave (not counting my rerolled starters) then they have to so i’m not gonna get too excited. making a bet right now she’ll be the first villager to ask to leave.

after audie allows me to grace her presence i head to the next island and i meet another popular villager surprisingly;


the bob

going to surprise a few peeps but i genuinely did think about leaving bob.

not that i don’t like bob. don’t know how anyone can hate the dude, but i had one ticket after this and even if that ticket goes bad i do have rng to fill the plot.

but then i remember i don’t like many of the lazy designs, with the only characters i can think of that i’d rather have than bob are like sasha and sheldon, and that i might not even have him for that long considering hard mode rules, so… i took him. simple as that.

when i got back, i didn’t have too much time to spend so i gave the materials needed for the shop and realized i had a storage so i cleaned my pockets some.


here’s my (obviously work in progress) house. kinda surprised i managed to get two items from the lovely set.

i do very much enjoy the wallpaper i got, indeed.

almost as much as i enjoy finding the money rock before having to get off.


this will probably be my main source of income for a few days.

i love being in poverty.

( also hope everyone's had a fun and chill 3rd anniversary day! i know this game means alot to a few of you guys and man have we came a long way from the release of this game. here's to another great year with animal crossing: new horizons! )