I keep getting villagers that aren't my dreamies and falling in love with them. I got marina and let her into my town with the intention of gifting her, but i just found her singing by a tree and my heart melted. I think i love her.
This is the animal crossing way - these animals sneak their way into our hearts lol
The same thing happened with me and Flora, I never considered her a dream villager of mine but she was one of the first to move into my island and I really started to like her personality. I eventually traded her on to make space for dreamies I had on my list but found that I started to really miss Flora so I eventually moved that other dream villager out and traded with someone to get my lil' flamingo friend back. It's funny how it works out, but I like finding new villagers to attach to.
Random move ins can be fun but if you play online with others, your auto fills are pretty much guaranteed to be something like naomi who has been gifted with the worst outfits and a house filled with fish.
The randomers have always been one of the best parts of this series for me. I know we all have certain species or designs that we're just never going to like, but there's nothing like falling in love with a villager you never expected to. It's basically how Hamphrey became my all-time favourite, and now I can never have another cranky! I've ended up with a few of the popular 'dreamies' by sheer luck, but I always have that itch to seek out a weird randomer to befriend!
flora and pompom were random move-ins on my very first island and i loved my time with them. would love to get them back sometime in the future when i get some of my current villagers' photos
i got zucker as a random move in, i liked him before that but i dont think i would've ever chosen him to be on my island. i love random move ins because it's always a surprise.
I think of it as a great aspect of the game even when it's a game of chances and it's probable you encounter your archenemy, maybe those random moves will allow you to meet new dreamies
falling in love with a villager when you least expect it is the most wonderful feeling . this happened to me with zucker last year; i had moved him in with the intent to sell him as i knew he was quite popular but my plans got foiled by how quickly i grew attached to him . i certainly wasn’t expecting to love him so much but i’m not complaining - he’s adorable and was lovely to have around. <3
I've only had a few random move-ins (Naomi, Diva, and just recently Claudia.) Claudia moved in 2 days ago (I meant to go island hopping, but forgot)... She's not someone I would have picked to move in, but she's not bad. I don't think she'll be staying long, but it's nice to see new faces.
The randomness can be fun. I think micromanaging everything with amiibos can take away a bit from the game... makes me less attached to villagers since I can move them in or out when I want.
I like getting randoms sometimes, its fun having a variety of villagers even if you didn't initially like them or would choose them. Its what makes AC fun in my opinion. So far in ACNH I've only gone island hopping for a specific villager twice, and the rest of the time I just get whatever villager seems cute or interesting even if they aren't on my dreamy list. This is how I ended up with Snake, Judy, Sly, Walt, and Monty!
I’ve had some random move ins earlier on but haven’t lately. I like island hopping way too much and unfortunately, I scanned amiibos of a couple of my favorites earlier on rather than try to get them naturally, which I regret since finding them on an island or campsite is much more fun.
For random move ins, I got Tipper, Alfonso (who was one of my four starting ones), Tex.
Alfonso and tipper I didn’t give a chance at all; those two are on my “least wanted” and “no” list (I do regret not giving them a chance and getting a picture). Tex came from the void of a friend. Initially I wanted him out since I was saving that spot for Raymond and I was already annoyed with Graham being my set campsite visit (i ended up reinviting graham eventually to give graham another chance since he grew on me from seeing othet people’s love for him and screenshots; didn’t get his picture though before he moved ><). But once i found out he was from a friend’s island, i decided to give him a chance. I ended up giving him some outfits: a tuxedo and vampire costume and a top hat upon my friend’s recommendation. tex isn’t a top favorite but he ended up growing on me significantly. And he never placed the top hat or clothes as furniture which really made me happy .
Every once in a while, I like to have random move-ins to fresh things up a bit, as much as I love my villagers after seeing their faces everyday it could get a bit dull interacting with the same residents over and over again. I even sometimes prefer it over island hopping because I enjoy the element of surprise, that anticipation to see who would move in tomorrow.
While I would say a lot of the times i'm disappointed, there are definitely instances where I was pleasantly surprised. Freckles is someone that I grew to love, and so are Alice. The most recent random move in i have was Marina (i think i got her from someone's void) - she's on the ok end as i'm not the biggest fan of octopuses, and the hot pink is just a bit too much although I have to admit she's pretty cute. Hans, Gruff though I had no mercy with. I was probably hitting them 3 times on the head everyday in attempt to decrease friendship so they could ask to leave...nope, i didn't get their pictures, and nope, I don't feel bad at all lol
I never had it in me to do ridiculously long island hopping adventures in hopes of finding the perfect villager. Lately, I just plain haven't had the time to do even island hopping adventures of reasonable length (ah, and to think I used to want to be an adult ha. ha. ha.). I am really enjoying letting the game pick my villagers, though! I thought I hated it on New Leaf, but I'm realizing now that what I hated was the game picking a random spot. I don't mind even villagers that I think are ugly. They'll come, and eventually they'll go. I'm just glad no one is moving on top of my flowers anymore.