Looking For Dreamies


Dec 1, 2018
100% (1) +
I’d be willing to buy any of these: Merengue, Erik, Fang, Zell, Apple. With the help of some users here I’ve gotten Bam, Diana, and Phoebe.
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Hello, I have Diana moving out soon. c: She's not original as she's been in my town for awhile but I really hope to get her adopted.
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hi, I have Bam’s amiibo so I can get you him whenever you’re ready ^^ I sell villagers for 5 tbt
I’m sorry I’m new but what’s tbt?

they're the forum currency labelled Bells under your sidebar. currently you have 8, but you get some more every time you post :)
Alrighty, I'll PM you when she's in boxes and ready to go. c:

Also, TBT is the onsite currency; you get it in various ways, such as posting in pretty much everywhere except The Basement, as well as participating in onsite events where it is given as prizes or bonuses. You can use TBT onsite instead of "IGB" (in-game bells) if agreed upon by both parties, respectively.
they're the forum currency labelled Bells under your sidebar. currently you have 8, but you get some more every time you post :)

How do I pay you?
Also right now I have 10 villagers but Coco is moving out so I should have a slot open soon. Thank you!
How do I pay you?
Also right now I have 10 villagers but Coco is moving out so I should have a slot open soon. Thank you!

You click on the number next to Bells in my sidebar (so the 59 or whatever it is after I post this) and it'll automatically assume you're transferring bells to me, so all you have to do is type in how many bells (5) and then submit!

You don't worry about paying me until we get you Bam all moved in though ofc lol ^^
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You click on the number next to Bells in my sidebar (so the 59 or whatever it is after I post this) and it'll automatically assume you're transferring bells to me, so all you have to do is type in how many bells (5) and then submit!

You don't worry about paying me until we get you Bam all moved in though ofc lol ^^

I just went ahead and paid you lol I don?t mind. Coco should be out soon. I?ll let you know when I?m ready
I just went ahead and paid you lol I don’t mind. Coco should be out soon. I’ll let you know when I’m ready

alright, just notify me whenever you're ready! thanks!
Okay purrfect!

I do not have Beau at the moment -- His card is in the mail! I'll keep that in mind but if you ever need villagers, there are A LOT of great people on here to help you!!=)

Glad you're getting your dreamies -- Isn't it a great feeling?!
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Who else do you need/have left? :)

Well after I move bam in, I’ll need to open up another spot and get a villager to move, which won’t be hard. I don’t believe I put this in my list but I’ve been looking for beau for a really long time.
Thank you everyone btw, I didn?t know joining the forums would be so helpful
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I’m ready! Just add me as a friend and let me know what to do next.

sorry about getting to this so late! i'll get him ready for you now, and then i have to go to class but i'll be home around 4 pacific time.
Hi, I TT'd to when Diana is in boxes as I have had some personal stuff IRL pop up unexpectedly. . .:( Please let me know if you are still interested and can pick her up sometime today. My apologies for the modified plans.

She will be in boxes for quite awhile as it is before noon where I live; feel free to PM me. Thank you.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(,: Adopted. <3