soz if this sounds rude but you're like 13
why are you writing essays
No, it doesn't sound rude, it is a perfectly fine question.
The only essays that are given at my school before Year 10, 11, 12, 13 - Big years, GCSEs - These are Humanities assessments called BQAs (Big Question Assessments).
At the end of each topic in Humanities we receive a BQA to do based on what we have learnt. For example, the one I am working on now is Geography. We have been learning about Marine Ecosystems and human interference towards them. The BQA is about a hotel being built on the coast of Montego Bay. The student, myself, plays the role of Environmental Risk Assessor.
The student has to decide whether is a good idea to build the hotel or a bad one and explain why in detail. Economical effects, Employment, Environmental issue ect.
I have chosen not to build it.
Other students in my class spend about and hour to 3 hours tops on their BQAs. I spend at-least a week perfecting mine. Proves how much I care about my grades.
Yay, Lucy's back!
Thanks Cloud
I'm kind-of glad people have missed me.
Welcome back Rover! I wondered where you had gone off to =p
I'm still doing a couple papers and then I'm finished with this term....until January
Yeah, essays are a real pain sometimes, I haven't even been able to celebrate the Holiday much because of them.
Also, nice to see you again Kaiaa! :3