DS Suitcase


Dec 29, 2008
Is it possible to go from CF on the Wii to WW on the DS? I tried it last night with no success. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I Would Mess With It If I Were You. A Guy Tried And He Lost Everything He Had With Him.... His Money And Everything In His Pockets
Dark said:
I Would Mess With It If I Were You. A Guy Tried And He Lost Everything He Had With Him.... His Money And Everything In His Pockets
That's because he was being careless. :p

The DS suitcase is meant for you to carry your CF data to another person's Wii and play in their AC:CF town, not go to WW.
Basically an alternative to Wi-Fi.
Sad thing is... you can't play at the same time as whoever's town you're entering. Annoying.
I Mean When You Go To "I Wanna Go Out" It Says "Nintendo WFC" Or "Ds Suitcase"
Ive tried the hole D.S. suitcase twice! I dont unrderstand how to use it...or what is it for! Its so strange!
mztclark said:
Is it possible to go from CF on the Wii to WW on the DS? I tried it last night with no success. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You cant
I did read the "manual" and it was quite confusing. It shows a picture that makes it look like you can go from the Wii to the DS and vice versa. I posted to this site because I thought there would be helpful people that I could connect with, not rude jerks. Thank you to those who tried to help me and were nice about it.
Alright. I'll try my best to explain the DS suitcase.
The manual says that the DS suitcase is for you to travel to another Wii.
It's exactly what Kolvo said. It's an alternative to Wi-Fi.
I haven't tried this myself, but your DS is literally supposed to be a suitcase.
You put your data in, put the DS in standby mode, go to a friend's house and transfer your character to your friend's Wii.
This is perfect if your friend has no Wi-Fi and you live next door to him/her.

Hope this helps ^_^
Dark said:
I Would Mess With It If I Were You. A Guy Tried And He Lost Everything He Had With Him.... His Money And Everything In His Pockets
That would have been me XD
Have you been playing Animal Crossing: Wild World on your Nintendo DS? If so, you can move your Wild World character over to City Folk, picking up right where you left off. Simply tell Rover that you'd like to move from the DS, and he'll help you set everything up. What a pal!

Rover can also let you explore your DS Suitcase, helping you bring items over from your DS. See your Animal Crossing: City Folk instruction manual for complete details on all of your DS connectivity options.

More instructions,

Animal Crossing: Wild World Player Data********************************************************
If you have player data from Animal Crossing: Wild World for the Nintendo DS