Earning BTB


actually not ok
Mar 29, 2016
Father's Day Carnation
Hello hello! I joined the site recently and was wondering the quickest way to earn BTB/TBT.
I saw on a thread somewhere that new users receive 500 BTB. Is this true? It seems excessive.
I like to post regularly without spamming of course and when you do this you can get quite a lot of bells without even realising. With longer posts you can get more tbt so that's not a bad thing ;)
Yeah, what creamyy said, its better just to post and post and before you realize it you will have a bunch of btb! :)
selling in game items and popular villagers!!
Huge props to saving up that much. Don't think I ever could.
I had 480,000 TBT Bells on TBT 1.0, but the staff moved to vBulletin and we HAD to start again...

No joke. Most Senior Members remember the MMC... heh heh...
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LOL How true...

I am happy with my 330,000,000 Bells that I already have anyway...

I did the math. Looking at recent rates, 16,000 BTB would make you around 3.3 billion IGB. The most I've evr had at one time hasn't even broken 10 million. kms

- - - Post Merge - - -

Whats btb

BTB are the proprietary currency used on this site. BTB stands for Bell Tree Bells, and it's also called TBT by most people. 1 BTB is worth 200,000 Animal Crossing Bells, or IGB. Users buy and sell items, services, villagers, etc. using BTB. To find out how many BTB you have, check the "currency" tab at the top of the page.
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