I recently picked up a used New 3DS and I think this is the first time I've owned a console where I could play Earthbound (it's $10 in the eShop). With rumors the old eShop may be closing in 2022 (source), I'm wondering if I should pick it up. I was hoping it would come to NSO at some point (since they put it on the SNES mini), but since it hasn't happened yet, I'm not holding out much hope of that happening.
Reasons I'm interested: The tone of it looks really unique and interesting
Reasons I'm hesitant: I'm not a big fan of turn-based RPGs. I find SNES-era games difficult at times and sometimes have to rely on guides to make it through the game which is less enjoyable for me
I was wondering if anyone here has played it and if you would recommend it?
earthbound and the mother games are really unique compared to other rpgs from their time and they still hold up today. they have a style thats often imitated but theres never been another game to do it better, and i think they're worth playing just for that. i wouldnt say its as hard as it is sometimes confusing on what exactly you have to do next, but thats just how older games were. i'd say if you're interested in trying it out you could always emulate it first to see how you like it before making a purchase but thats up to you. i would personally recommend it though
Yeah, I played EarthBound for the first time in early 2020 through the Wii U's VC and I'd highly recommend it. It still holds up very well today and it became one of my favorite games after playing it.
Earthbound is a very good game, I would definitely recommend it! I've never played it on the n3DS but when it came out I remember there being a few complaints about how it ran, but I don't think there was anything too major or gamebreaking. I've played it on both the SNES Classic and the Wii U VC and I thought it ran fine on both of those.
starmen.net has a walkthrough if you need it, but aside from a handful of things I think it's a fairly straightforward game. I hope you have fun with it if you get it!
The Eshop for 3ds and Wii U is not closing. It's just that you can't use a credit card anymore after that time. You can still use one of the Eshop gift cards. At least that is what I got from reading it.
I would definitely recommend Earthbound. It is a fun game. Mother for the NES is a lot harder though and I never finished it. The difficulty spike is really high compared to the games. I would probably try Earthbound first and then move on to Mother if you still have an interest for it. Plus I know EB is so old, but the graphics are more advanced than its NES prequel.
The game does take some leveling up/grinding, but compared to other games it's not as ridiculous as they were. I would suggest getting it on the 3DS/Wii U and not waiting around for the chance of them dropping it on NSO. They just released the current line up for August and it's all games I have never heard of and will probably never touch. Yet Japan gets the original Shin Megami (or however it is spelled)