Easiest Ways to Get Those Unwanted Suckers OUT!


Giver of fun and sarcasm!
Nov 6, 2014
Red Candy
Hey guys! I figured since I didn't see a thread on getting undesired villagers out, let's all compile a guide together! Give me tips that you think work best and I'll add em' to the front page! We'll also have some people possibly try and test them out as well!
So I'll start!

Guide to Removing Undesired Villagers​
1. Introduce yourself and then never talk to them. Ever. Ever. NEVER AGAIN.
2. Be friendly! Very friendly, almost stalkerishly friendly. Use that perfect fruit and do ALL their favors!
3. Time Travel your way through until you resemble a Doctor of Whos.

Respond with your tips!
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Talk to them all the time, do a lot of favors for them, give perfect fruit...stuff like that. Make them really like you. It's still pretty random, but people have had luck with befriending them.
Bump! Just in case anyone has some good tips for this awesome and currently compact guide to getting the undesirables away!
Out of all the methods, I can say these to all of them.

Method #1 seems to only work with Uchi villagers with me, since they like to move out the quickest out of all the villagers. (This is coming from personal experiences.)

Method #2 works with me the most, but not all of the time.

And Method #3....The good ones move out....nooooo.....
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I've tried these three methods. Ignoring or befriending them is hit or miss, since it's random who moves out. I think people who swear they work all the time are just lucky or something. For me, all of my villagers have pinged me at least once no matter how much I talked to or ignored them. The ones that have pinged me most are more or less middle range, the ones I talk to regularly but don't chat with a lot.

TTing is the best method if you're careful and know what you're doing. It's relatively quick too.
I TT a day forward or two days forward, talk to every villager, rinse and repeat and when done, step back 2 days at a time and talk to everyone and rinse and repeat til' you're at the actual date.
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If you Sarah here on TBT "Fool Proof Guide" there's an amazing guide that I use that always works. :)

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If you Sarah here on TBT "Fool Proof Guide" there's an amazing guide that I use that always works. :)

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I think that's the one I use too... is it the one where you TT year by year and stuff? If that's what I'm thinking of, it works well for me and I've never had a problem with it. All you have to do is be careful to not load your mayor when you're not supposed to. The only side effects are bed hair and weeds but those are easily fixed. :)
My only tip is to not just TT 2-3 days in a row without checking up on all their villagers! It can easily lead to having one of your favorites moving out without even telling you :(