Giver of fun and sarcasm!
Hey guys! I figured since I didn't see a thread on getting undesired villagers out, let's all compile a guide together! Give me tips that you think work best and I'll add em' to the front page! We'll also have some people possibly try and test them out as well!
So I'll start!
2. Be friendly! Very friendly, almost stalkerishly friendly. Use that perfect fruit and do ALL their favors!
3. Time Travel your way through until you resemble a Doctor of Whos.
Respond with your tips!
So I'll start!
Guide to Removing Undesired Villagers
1. Introduce yourself and then never talk to them. Ever. Ever. NEVER AGAIN.2. Be friendly! Very friendly, almost stalkerishly friendly. Use that perfect fruit and do ALL their favors!
3. Time Travel your way through until you resemble a Doctor of Whos.
Respond with your tips!
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