Edit Posts?

Once you make 41 posts you'll get the ability to edit. If you need to edit something important before then, a mod or admin might be able to do it for you.
Ascendancy said:
Is that going to be changed so that members can delete as well?
Most likely not.

There is no way to see what was in a deleted post, so very few people at TBT have the ability to delete posts.
Well I have no idea what happened in the past, but what are the realistic odds of it happening again?

I just hate that rule where one person does something, so that action punishes the whole community.
Well most forums don't allow deleting posts. Post count also doesn't decrease when they are deleted, so anyone could get a higher post count without anyone knowing that they cheated.
Well most forums don't allow deleting posts. Post count also doesn't decrease when they are deleted, so anyone could get a higher post count without anyone knowing that they cheated.
Okay, that is a reason that I can't argue with.