Pokémon Eevee and its Evolutions: canine or feline?

What animal do they resemble?

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Nook Inc.’s Pet
May 12, 2019
White Violet
Purple Violet
White Violet
Purple Violet
Recent news on Sword&Shield have been kind of a downer for many, so let?s turn our attention to something still good and pure: the Eevee Family!

It?s one of the series most popular evolutionary lines, and near everybody is bound to have an opinion?so what?s yours:

Do they seem more dog-like or cat-ish?

Discuss and feel free to add your favorite!
I’m going to say cat, simply because the ears seem more pointy to me and all. But I’m sure there’s reasons people could think they resemble dogs too. :p
I say both. Flareon and Jolteon remind me more of dogs, while Umbreon and Sylveon remind me more cats!
My personal favorite is Glaceon-- and I'm still waiting for my Poison-type Eeveelution (if we ever get one lol) smh.
I think most of the Eevees are dog-like. But Espeon and Glaceon are more like meowbags than dogs.
I think canine, like foxes are!
Though Espeon looks more like a cat to me, and I might even call Jolteon a rabbit... Quite a few of them could pass as rabbits, actually.
Neither, to be honest, I've always just sort of taken them as their own thing unrelated to our real world animals. Kinda the same as the Legendary Beasts back in Generation II, though I did call those the Legendary Dogs back when I was a kid because that's just what I heard people call them back then.

But for the sake of answering the question, I guess they seem a bit more feline. Especially Espeon.
I think they look like a combination of animals, something anime is famous for doing. They do have some feline features, but also rabbit and fox features depending on the evolution.
I think their designs are a mix of dogs, cats and foxes. It's hard to limit them on only one specific species.
In my opinion, the ears and the tail of Eevee for example looks like those of a fox, the face looks like the
one of a dog, body and paws from a cat. Depending of the evolution, the one maybe is more more based
of a cat while the other one more of a dog and so on.
I always saw them as more cat-ish creatures, however, taking a closer look at the evolutions, you could also say that their design is like a combination of cats, dogs and foxes with a touch of rabbits (because of the long ears, and the face of Leafeon kinda reminds of a rabbit, can't explain why).
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I think of them as more or less being their own thing, but out of the two, I'd definitely say dogs more than cats.
I think body-wise, a mixture, but facially, they look a bit more feline? Honestly haven't thought much about it though O:
They seem to resemble more cats to me. A lot of their faces look so cat-ish, including some of their tails and paws. I will agree with others though, they look like a combination of things, such as cats, dogs, foxes, and rabbits. Kinda interesting that they do, but my vote is more on cats or in this case, feline.
I grew up thinking they were foxes, but I definitely think now they're mixture of all 4 of the most mentioned animals. Umbreon makes me think of it as a fox and hare in one now. kind of fitting cause of the moon rabbit/hare thing.
I think Eevees and their evolutions are supposed to be a combination of different animals, though it's hard to tell exactly what. I do think there's dog and cat mixed in, but then I'm feeling a fox and a bunny vibe as well.
Definitely felines for me... they look so agile and thin... cats.
Thats a hard one because you could easily argue either way. I must say though that my first instinct was a fox. Although to be honest I have never really thought about it that much, I don't really put characters like eevee into real life animal catagories. Such as pikachu for example, Pikachu isn't really a real life animal (at least in my opinion) but rather some sort of cute, electric animal.
I'd say canine, maybe other animals due to the ears and tails etc. but yeah I don't see much cat resemblance in them but might be just me :p They always been some sort of dog or such for me :3