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Eight months on TBT


“Assorted” Collector
Sep 9, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Palm City
Flower Glow Wand
Cool Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
It's been 8 months since I joined TBT, so I'm going to write another blog entry. This time, it's even longer since I last blogged here. I won't go over my experience on the site for the past eight months, but only for the last four months.

Other than April, my overall experience on this site for the last four months was negative, specifically because of the month of March. Yeah, I had rough times in the other months (someone tried to withdraw from my auction when she had the highest bid, I didn't get my birthday bells, I got rude about art styles in the museum), but those aren't the worst times I had here, even for the second third (the current third is May 9th to September 9th). I did have fun on the first third of my membership on TBT, but not the second third.

One good thing I had to say was that I made more than 2,000 TBT a few times (through the auctions of the peach and party popper). Up until March, I never went above 2,000 TBT. This is one thing I wanted - to have over 2,000 TBT.

My worst experience on this site was the treatment I got from the extremely rude users in March. They've been making slanders towards me (like calling me a racist or misogyinst), and it's all because of the very few posts I accidentally said wrong. But they refused to believe that I'm innocent. They even trashed me on the Bell Tree Confessions site (although this doesn't get enough recognition). But what I should learn is that I shouldn't be stating my opinion over and over again. Also, it's not my fault that my opinions are considered "offensive"; it's their fault that they're being offended at my opinions. I understand that people are going to be rude over contrasting opinions, but I can't respect that. I'm trying to enjoy this site too, and when people try to make slanders or other forms of disrespect over my opinions, it's making my experience on this site uncomfortable, and it lead me to not posting for nine days. I know this is all over, but the point of bringing this up again is to review my experiences like I did on the last entry, "four months on TBT" as well as my wordpress entry, "My Experience on Bell Tree Forums". I may have sounded a bit rude when criticizing the site, but I don't write my experiences to besmirch the reputation of anyone who gives me a backlash. It's just to review how things went for me. But yes, I am extremely sensitive to backlashes, and will not accept them. If I recognized an error or admitted doing something wrong, that's fine if I get a backlash, but for those very many cases where I didn't do anything wrong, I don't tolerate getting backlashes.

Another thing that went wrong this past four months is that I finally got angry comments on my previous review. I tried to leave a message, saying that it was my first time offense, and they need to go easy on me, especially since I was a new member, but what really got them angry was that I continued to bring it up. I would've dropped it a long time ago, but when someone told me to "let it go" when it's not even a month, this got me angry, which lead the grudge last longer (until six months). In my opinion, it's okay to hold grudges and keep bringing them up before the one month mark, but once it's past one month (and later), it starts to become a problem. So if any of you have bad experiences or having trouble with someone, you can continue ranting about it (not too much though) up to a month. After that, then you should drop it. It's better off if you drop it before it gets to that point, but I don't like being pressured to let it go when it's not even a month. And don't get me started on bringing up grudges past 20 years. By that point, it becomes incredibly insane.

Now the review is over, but I'm not done yet. In recent days, I was busy writing a fictional story about eight teens looking for a valuable treasure that would pay them big money. I plan on making references to my experiences on TBT, such as my posts on one of the art shops about apples and doughnuts, and an infraction message I got for getting involved in an argument. The key points to the experiences are the same, but they have a different coat (involving different settings, characters, and even other points). For example, let's say that I created that thread comparing the US to UK, which got locked due to people fighting and stereotyping. In my story, I would say that someone had a dinner conversation comparing Sony to Nintendo. Whoever started it didn't want to start a fight, and asks for people to drop the subject. The people wouldn't be the exact same, but they did something similar. And no, there is no scene based on that thread. It's just a demonstration on what I do when writing.

Anyway, the review is over. Please do not comment if you're going to be rude, whether it's towards me or another person. If it's a nice comment, you are free to post.