Emo Pokemon


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2005
Yellow Candy

You gotta admit... it does look emo. The red thing on the forehead.

P.S. I had no clue where to put this so I put it in the Wishing Well.
Don't emo-bash here people.
Agreed, not only is it not relevant but it's not cool, Hating emo's has become more of a stupid fad than being emo it's self.

Also, it's a form of predigest which is clearly against the rules.
Look here guys, my topic is hardly against the rules. I only said it looks emo. Just like Onix is a rock snake. And its name is based on the actual gem.
Kyle said:
Look here guys, my topic is hardly against the rules. I only said it looks emo. Just like Onix is a rock snake. And its name is based on the actual gem.
I wasn't talking about you Kyle, don't worry.

I was talking about PICHUBRO.
JJRamone2 said:
Kyle said:
Look here guys, my topic is hardly against the rules. I only said it looks emo. Just like Onix is a rock snake. And its name is based on the actual gem.
I wasn't talking about you Kyle, don't worry.

I was talking about PICHUBRO.
Uhh, yeah whoops... Sorry.