Auction Ended

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Red Panda
Nov 18, 2013
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
100% (158) +
Auction will end in 12 hours (5pm GMT)

Starting bid is 400k with a minimum increment of 200k :blush:
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I have a friend who is looking for Muffy! Her name on her is lynn105! I sent her a visitor message to the link of this page. Please keep a lookout for her message here!

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I'd also like to add that she is most likely sleeping right now (it's late in her timezone) and she has school tomorrow. I have no space to hold onto Muffy but if you could please hold out if there are no offers in time for her, that you consider waiting? c:
I have a friend who is looking for Muffy! Her name on her is lynn105! I sent her a visitor message to the link of this page. Please keep a lookout for her message here!

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I'd also like to add that she is most likely sleeping right now (it's late in her timezone) and she has school tomorrow. I have no space to hold onto Muffy but if you could please hold out if there are no offers in time for her, that you consider waiting? c:

she'll probably see this in about 3-4 hours? c:
If there is no offer on her, I'll hold on to it as long as I can for your friend. c:
Ahhhh I saw this earlier but then my internet stopped working ;A; I will bid 400k but I don't think I can pick her up if I win by the time this ends because I have school :c
If you win I can hold on to her for a few hours if you'd like. I'm not in a super-rush or anything. C:

Also, less than 2 hours left for the auciton x3
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I really don't know her furniture, catchphrase or clothing. Sorry.. I don't think it's the original since she's been there almost the longest. c:
Good luck to lynn! Thank you for considering to hold her longer, Yookey. c:
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