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[Entry #05] Deep Reflection: One Last Gaming Journey (Part 1)


✨ The Hermit ✨
Apr 2, 2017
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Making this blog post wasn't an easy thing for me to do... There were things that I needed to look back on in order to do this blog post. Whether those things were considered good or bad for myself. That is the reason why I am making this blog post. It is for myself to look back on when need be and remember all stuff that I did on this last journey of mine. I decided for myself that it was going to be the last time that I would be going on that course. So... I am fine with where things stand for me when it comes to it.

The gaming journey that I am referring to in this blog post is TBT Mafia. You're probably wondering why I am mentioning that again... That is if you've read my other blog post about TBT Mafia before reading this blog post to know what I mean. If you haven't read that blog post yet then you can read if that is what you want to do. Though... Reading that blog post would help you to understand this blog post.

Before I go into detail about this journey of mine... The role that I have received for the game that I played was yet another Townie role. And... The TBT Mafia game that I am talking about for this blog post is named Russian Roulette Mafia. The game is also much shorter due to the low player cap.

The TBT Mafia game that I played previous was suppose to be my last one, but the Host for the smaller TBT Mafia game needed one more player for the game to begin. I decided to join in the game because I felt kind of bad that there wasn't anyone that wanted to sign up for it, so I volunteered to sign up for the game despite the traumatic experience that I went through when it came to TBT Mafia.

Just to let you all know that I will be using a player's number when explaining all of this to make things easier to understand. FYI. The player number is referred to the number order on the player's list of the OP. In any case... I shall begin to explain my thought process for each Day Phase of the game.

Day 1 Phase

During this day phase I didn't know the game had started already and saw some random posting in the thread. I felt awkward in thread since I wasn't sure of what to do while the game was going. While I wasn't sure of what to do in the thread I decided think about what I wanted to do while the game was going on. I felt like I deserve to play how I wanted instead of having to make sacrifices like in my previous game. I kept telling myself over and over during the game that this game is my final chance to play how I want before my reign of TBT Mafia is to end. So... I decided while I wasn't posting as much in the game that I was going to play my way and not let any individual control me during the game.

The best option for me in the game was to townlock myself and null everyone else at the start in order to keep an open mind about everything. To which I stated I did when a player of the game asked for my thoughts while the game was going. The whole "I placed myself as town and null everyone else" part.

What I decided to do at that point was find ways to look for people that were town to me since I find it much easier to look for those that are town instead of those that are mafia. The easier the method to use then the higher the chance that I can win for my team since I am suppose to play to win after all. It was great to try think of ways to get ahead of the enemy and I had a whole lot of fun doing it too.

One dropping of my idea:

I have one idea that can help town gain results. But... I don't know if I should mention it.
When I stated the thing above it was a way for me to determine who was town depending how one responds it. After all, I did townlock myself and no one else in the game. The only role I knew was mine and mine alone. So far... There was only one person (Player #3) that responded to it. Their response was a quite good as well as the stuff they said about me. I automatically placed them as town; however, I didn't bother to mention it at all. 'Cause I was worried that they might have died in-game if I did.

There was a player (Player #1) that was waiting on me to do reads, but I didn't comply to do it and moved on from there at that point. While Player #3 was willing to wait as long as it took for them.

Later on... Player #2 decided to fire their shot at Player #3. At that moment, Player #3 had died from the shot and their role was revealed to be a Townie. It was sad for me that Player #3 had died. Though... Their death only increased my chances of survival in the game from how I was looking at things.

Day 2 Phase

The next Day Phase had begun the moment Player #3 had died in the game. At this point... I wanted to know the reason why Player #2 had shot Player #3. I didn't want to automatically assume that they were mafia just because they had shot the player that I had labelled as town. It was the smart thing to do.

Player #2 stated that they'll explain that the next day (irl day) and shot their bullet onto themselves. I was surprised to see who they fired the gun towards when I saw the post. Their reasons to do that was to prove something from what I remembered. Player #1 had fired their shot towards Player #2, which potentially increased the chances of Player #2 dying in the game. Though... Player #1 wanted to take their shot back while Player #2 wanted to change their shot to Player #1. I kind of assumed that it wasn't possible to change one's shot. The Host of the game stated that players couldn't take back their shots.

Player #1 had told me to be ready in case that their shot had missed. It seemed bizzare to me to tell someone that from my perspective. That is why I had stated this (down below):

Wait. What? :0 Why? Shouldn't I be shooting the person that I think is mafia?
The reason why I stated this is because I always thought Townie has a voice and they have every right to voice it. When I was being told to shoot Player #2 it was almost if I didn't have any rights when in actuality that I do. So... I decided to not comply to that and just didn't shoot them. Smart move.

Player #1 assumed that I thought they were mafia when I made that statement. I actually didn't have much of an opinion on them until they made the assumption about what I was implying. Player #2 was wondering if Player #1 just scumslip. To which was something that I was wondering as well and needed to find that out for myself. Wanting to be sure if Player #1 was the player that I wanted to shoot.

In the end... The shot that Player #2 had put onto themselves went through and their role was revealed to be a Townie. Their death in the game made things easier for me due to what I was anticipating next.


Apologies for having to put an intermission on this blog post. I didn't have much of a choice since I was breaking the character limit here while I was working on this. I know... It's really sad that I have to do this. Really. It kind of breaks my heart too. Wish there was a bigger character limit; however, it is what is is. Just have to work with what I have and hope for the very best. I'm currently working on Part 2 of this blog topic. So... Be on the lookout for Part 2 when it comes out. I'm having fun working on it.

As always... Thanks for reading if you did. Very much appreciate it. No really. I do. :]
