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[Entry #08] Deep Reflection: First Time Juror Summons Experience


✨ The Hermit ✨
Apr 2, 2017
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Yesterday, I had my first experience going to a jury summons and it was really nerve-racking for me. Though... It kind of would be like a "second experience" due to having to postpone the first time and having to reschedule it. Postponed it due to a personal matter that I won't go into any details.

In any case... I took a trolley to get to the required location of where I am supposed to be at. Got off the trolley when I needed to get off and walked to the required building that I was suppose to report to. Headed up to the correct room then checked in for orientation. Had to grab a few selective items then take a seat and wait for the orientation to begin. Once the orientation started it was explained what I would have to do as a juror. That is if I get chosen as one. A video and a few speeches were presented during the orientation. There's apparently a certain number of jurors required for a case. I remember one of the speakers said that the number of them was around 12. Also... That the juror process could take up around 3 to 7 days or possibly more than that. As well as it is required to come for one's jury summons unless you have like a good excuse or something along those lines. Ugh... Such a pain. :T

There was also a bunch of other stuff, but I can't recall it at the moment and might get back to it later. One speaker said if your name wasn't called until possibly around like 2:30 pm then you were like finished with your service despite not being called on. To potentially be chosen as a juror then your name has to be called on by someone. Though... There could be a possibility that you could be called on after that time. I don't remember much of it... I was just hoping my name wasn't going to get called on.

Apparently... I heard my name through the speakers and that mean that I was a potential candidate to be a juror. During that time I just kept hoping that I wouldn't be chosen as a juror, so I could be done with my service and go straight home to relax. 'Cause the whole juror process thing was too overwhelming for me. But... I would be doing this again like around 12 months from now.

I had to go to a specific court room; however, I had to cross a bridge that was connected to another building to get there. As well as take a specific elevators because some elevators won't take me to the floor that I had to go to. It was such a hassle to get there, but that's how the building was designed.

While I was waiting near that door, there was a security lady that was there and gave a explanation of the courtroom process. She was pretty cool from what I remembered. After that process was explained all the potential jurors had to sit at a specific seat. And... My seat was located at the front row near the plaintiff. That made things even worse for me because sitting there made me even more anxious.

Once the judge came in... Court was now in session and the first part of the juror selection has begun. What the case was about was explained to all the potential jurors in the room. At some point, all the potential jurors had to answers some questions from a hand-out. I was pretty nervous when I had to answer them... But... At least I know what to expect the next time around. Oh... Boy.

After every potential juror answered those questions, there were more questions asked by the judge and the attorneys to specific people. Some people were excused because judge deemed it necessary. So... Those people would have to reschedule their jury summons. At some point, the judge ceased the session temporarily since it was time for a lunch break. It was great to take a breather from all of that.

For my lunch break, I went back to the building of where I had the orientation and went to the cafe area of the place. From there I order I doughnut because I wanted something sweet to eat. After I was doing eating that I went back to the building of where I was suppose to be and waited outside of the assigned courtroom until I was told to go inside. I was just on my phone while I was waiting.

Once it was time to go back inside, everyone went to their assigned seat and the court was back in session. During this part, I think more questions were asked because it was interrupted due to it being a lunch break. After that, some people went to another room to discuss who would be chosen as a juror. When they came out of the room, the deselection process had begun and that meant these people can go home. Of course one would have to report to the jury services to get credited for one's jury services.

My name was called on and that meant I wasn't chosen to be a juror. That was the news that I wanted to hear. 'Cause from what I remembered the case that I would have potentially be here for would last about like 2 weeks. I immediately left the room and wanted to celebrate the good news. After leaving the room, I went to jury services and explained what went down then my services was done.

Once all of that was taken care of for me I just exited the building and took a trolley to go back home. It was great to not be chosen as a juror and can only hope that I won't get chosen at some point whenever jury summons happens for me. Hallelujah! That I wasn't chosen as a juror for the case.

As always... Thanks for reading if you did. Very much appreciate it. :] Sorry if this was kind of long or if lots of stuff wasn't explain much. It really was an over-whelming thing that I went through.
