Four Years Late
Thought I'd take a moment to share a few more excerpts from life in Cybrtron. I'd heard that this game was relaxing, but I'd certainly never heard how downright whacky it was!
Putting down some paths. I'm shooting for a modern, outer-space vibe - but chances are I missed by a mile. Made the patterns myself, and I'm about as artistic as a potato.
Optimus caught himself a bee, thanks to a video guide I found online... but Megatron wasn't nearly that lucky.
"I will smite you where you stand, puny flesh creature."
He did, however, catch something that looks like it came from the literal depths of Hell. Nature is terrifying.
Oh, and Optimus actually has mayoral powers now, so we're no longer a puppet regime.
I'm really enjoying ACNL thus far, and taking screenshots is half the fun!
Further bulletins as events warrant.
Putting down some paths. I'm shooting for a modern, outer-space vibe - but chances are I missed by a mile. Made the patterns myself, and I'm about as artistic as a potato.
Optimus caught himself a bee, thanks to a video guide I found online... but Megatron wasn't nearly that lucky.
"I will smite you where you stand, puny flesh creature."
He did, however, catch something that looks like it came from the literal depths of Hell. Nature is terrifying.
Oh, and Optimus actually has mayoral powers now, so we're no longer a puppet regime.
I'm really enjoying ACNL thus far, and taking screenshots is half the fun!
Further bulletins as events warrant.