I have similar issues with using my 3DS and Internet browser while tryin to access websites like this. One time I was tryin to use tumblr and it would never load. Part of it might be my crap hotspot, but I think it's the site itself. The Nintendo system can't upload or handle everything. The site is 'too big' for the system to properly display. How do I explain this better...
Okay so because of the intricacy of this site, it makes it incredibly hard for the system to load it. It's like shoving a square peg in a circle peg. The site is massive, too massive for the small system to handle.
As for screenshots, I would upload mine to twitter, download off of there, use waifu for clarity, save them on my phone, then repost them to tumblr or here. I've also heard of people emailing themselves the pictures, editing them on their computer, then posting.
If possible, maybe try to access imgur, but the site might be too much for the system to handle, I've never tried it.